
I was looking at three things i think they r sorta religon soo i was looking at wicka witch craft and saitnism

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wut one should i do




  1. Since "wicka witch craft and saitnism" require a certain basic intelligence (higher than a houseplant) which you obviously lack, judging by your spelling and syntax, forget it.

  2. OMG/dess~How old are you? What should you do? First, you should learn to spell for heaven's sakes!

  3. This is one of those really, truly stupid questions that all should ignore!  

    I hope you find what you really need...cause it is not here.


  4. (Ouch my head, please use the spell check button to the right of the word box.)

    You should get out of this section, go into the religion and spirituality section, and actually ask about the religious factors, if you are going for religion.  You might want to do a little (a lot) of research on these topics.  All three are very different.

    Edit: Annibell, Wicca and witchcraft exist separately, they are not interchangeable or dependent on each other, just to clarify.

  5. first point: it is your choice but im guessing your very interested in the paranormal and magickal arts? go with wicca and if you are interested with witchcraft incorpreate it in there, but remember this qoute

    "it doesnt matter how you worship or believe, just as long as you do that, believe, if you dont think any certain belief is right create your own whether it be something new or something based off of several religions. you will never go wrong."

    ---My teacher and friend said this to me when i asked him generally the same question at like age 8

  6. Number one, if you're planning on believing in something, asking people on Yahoo Answers what you should believe in is not the route to go. If you want to believe in something, that's a personal choice, not something that some stranger typing on a keyboard should tell you.

    Number two, if you want to believe in a religion, then choose an actual religion, not one that you are not even sure is one.

    Number three, if you're going to choose one of those, at least learn to spell them right.

  7. First you should learn how to spell

    Wicca & Witchcraft -

    Satanism -


  8. In response to Wicked Warrior - Dont go to the R&S section, they will eat you alive. Sadly there are alot of people in this world who have preconceived ideas on what Witchcraft and Wicca is, and alot of those people hang out in R&S. They will tell you Wicca and Witchcraft are evil, simply because they have been brainwashed to believe that, and are intimidated by people who have the free will to think and choose a religion on thier own.

    Satanism on the other hand is a form of philosophy. The Satanic Bible was written by Anton Levay. It has nothing to do with Satan at all.

    If you wish to learn about WIcca or Witchcraft (two seperate things) try, or try searching thorugh some of the yahoo groups.


  9. ummmmm. satanism dont ever go into, serious. Wicca is ok, i guess, better than satanism.

  10. Oh my god, are you serious?

    First off, they're WICCA, WITCHCRAFT, and SATANISM.

    You're obviously too unintelligent for the comprehension of the Wiccan belief system, and probably just think Satanism is cool because it isn't Christianity.

    My bet is that you're fourteen and rebeling against your parents' religious beliefs for no reason other than that they are your parents.

    Chill out and don't worry about it.

    PS. Wiccan and witchcraft go hand in hand.

    PPS. Satanism does not worship the devil, but merely sees him as a representation of humanity's flaw, which is embraced in Satanism.

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