
I was looking for different ways to build up my chest muscles besides pushup.(i dont have any weights to use)?

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I was looking for different ways to build up my chest muscles besides pushup.(i dont have any weights to use)?




  1. Well then i would go to a gym. most gyms (such as planet fitness) have personal trainers there that can set up a plan for you.


  2. go to they have a ton of work outs for every thing, even if you have not weights

  3. Even though its a body weight exercise, the push-up is still one of the best exercises to work out your upper body.  It can get old quick if that's all you're doing, but it is effective.

    If you don't have access to gym equipment, you can still get a good workout at home.

    You can use tree limbs to do pull-ups with, you can use the end of a chair to do dips, and there are probably a hundred different types of push-ups to try.

    Since you don't have any weights, I would recommend you do...

    Hindu push-ups

    Here's a how-to video:

    Hindu Squats

    how-to video:

    Chair Dips (with legs straight)

    how-to video:

    If you have a tree with strong enough limbs you can do pull ups from the limb.


    how to video:

    You can add more, but those are some good basic bodyweight exercises.

    For most of the exercises, just do as many as you can and then rest for a bit before you move on to the next exercise.  Since you are not actually moving when doing a plank, you just hold the position as long as you can (trust me, its a lot harder than it looks).  If you feel like you can do some more, then do another set of all of them.  Try to do at least 1 more push-up/dip/pull-up than you did the week before.  Be sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout.

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