
I was looking out the window last night and my 90 year old neighbor fell out of his window and died!

by  |  earlier

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I feel really bad about this, what should i do?




  1. well first it wasn't your fault so don't feel bad, well go to his furenal and say some good stuff abot him, if u dont know him just say he was a good man

  2. comfort his family.  

  3. call 911 or get some other neighbors for help. pay ur respects if u knew them a lot (well of course maybe cuz ur neighbors). =)

  4. Did you tell anyone?

  5. it's not your fault that he fell. Just don't make any jokes about it if you don't want to feel guilty.

  6. You have to be kidding me!!!

  7. call 911!!! When they bury him, put some flowers on his grave. im so sorry

  8. Does anyone else know?

    Are you serious?

    If you are then get your @$$ of the computer and go call 911!!!!

  9. You shoud have asked him to step aside if you wanted to look out of it so bad. No one has any manners these days.

  10. you better have a really good alibi.

  11. you should have better control of your obviously don't know you have should also see a shrink and get control of these anger issues

  12. I'm going to assume that what you're asking here is how do you deal with seeing someone die.  You witnessed a terrible event, and I think you should find someone you trust to talk to.  Just remember that death is a natural process of life, even the horrific ones, and it's normal to grieve and feel weird and not know what to do.  Best to talk it through with someone.

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