
I was macoing Hotta profile?

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& I guessin u all mussy have ANOTHER holiday coming up? Emancipation day? allyuh doh tired? Well happy early emancipation day to the Trinis @ home.. when it is? Friday?




  1. August 1, 1838 is when the slaves were set free. So yes that would be Emancipation Day

  2. I vex. Emancipation weekend and I well get meh ticket to go tobago and now ah hadda change plan because somebody cyah make it. Anybody want to go with meh?? Ah want ah pathner in crime! Otherwise ah hadda pass it up!

    TS, haul yuh tail eh! When we does wuk?? LOL! Buh you rell boldface.

  3. oh Gosh, ah sorry eh allyuh, i promise not to mention that Independence is 30 days after. and den Republic, Divali, lips are sealed!!!! ROFLMAOOOOOOOOOOO

    but the rest dont count cause Republic Day, Eid and Divali is d middle of the week, so that totally sucks. but allyuh know we trinis good at making any holiday ah long weekend.  <cough> <cough>

    and just in case you dont hear from me until monday... Happy Emancipation to every one...yes even frigg, TS, Sam, Jouvert and the rest of you outside T&T.

    Posse be safe this weekend, especially if youre on d roads and on d beaches.

  4. Friday 1st of August....


    I love how Trinidad & Tobago abuses the use of public holidays!! Yay long weekend...

    1/2 of Trinidad will be in Tobago for great fete this wknd!

    Be safe y'all

  5. sh it man !! was holding back to leggo dat on yuh later :)

  6. oh ohhhh...

    hehe, well be enjoying a long weekend at the beach..

    where will u be? oh c**p! at work right, right, haha


    happy emancipation to u too!!


    lol @ ts, allyuh real taking this to heart dread, haha, oh gosh we sorry, maybe not genuinely, but we are!!


    well i doh wuk period! atleast not as yet.

    so dat question is really for the rest of them


    eh heh Curious!!!

    dat was literally ah invite for we!!

  7. All all yuh Trinbagonian could emancipate my @$$ with all yuh holidays.  Every other flipping week is ah holiday.

    Ah want to know when, exactly when all yuh does wok???!!!

  8. Gosh man Hotta - ah was waiting to surprise Friggy with this one later!!!  Yuh know after she rub July 4th in our faces and we had to work all through the month of July come sun or rain (and there wasn't even a little storm or nothing)

    Anyways - Emancipation Day is also my Grandfather's Birthday (he died last year)  My daughter was born on the 2nd!  She is having a Party at Pizza Hut this Saturday (Allyuh doh storm eh) And to add to an already hectic weekend - I have exams a few hours before the Party.....................

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