
I was masturbating with a foreign object and bloody ejaculate came out. what does it mean?

by  |  earlier

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ive done this before plenty of times and it has only started happening to me recently. i dont know if im doing it too hard or if somethings wrong. HELP!!!




  1. It could be several things, if the "object" was not shall we say meant for that purpose you could have scratched yourself. If it was it could have been too hard and bruised your cervix or you are simply due to get your period in the next day and the "playing" caused some early discharge.  I would give it a day or two rest and see what happens. However, if you develop flu like symptoms or a fever get an appointment with a doctor to make sure you don't have an infection if you did scratch yourself.

  2. you could have started your menstrual cycle or you could have torn.

  3. If it has only occurred once you have probably broken your hymen.  

    If it occurs once a month it will be your period.

    If it hurts you will have injured yourself.

    Go get proper advice.

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