
I was off on sick leave for 13 months, miss out on a performance review and did not get a pay increase -right?

by  |  earlier

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I've been in the company for a substantial number of years 15+. I would have thought I would still be given a performance review and given a rating. If below par I would understand not getting a review - but no rating and no increase - I don't think its right.




  1. Be happy they didn't fire you.

  2. Look at it from their perspective. You were not there and did not contribute. There was nothing for them to review since you were not there and had no accomplishments. Basically, you put everything on pause and pick it up where you left off.

    What's really wrong is that companies no longer differentiate between a cost of living raise (based on inflation) and a merit raise (based on performance). Where I agree that you did not qualify for a merit raise since you were out for 13 months, I think you should still be entitled to a cost of living increase.

  3. The real question is was your last review completed on time.  If it was completed and you're expecting a "typical" annual review for time that you were absent, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.  You didn't work for more than a year.  What's to review??  You may want to ask your supervisor to at least set some goals for you (that's usually part of the review process too) so that way you'll have something to work for when you do have your next (valid) review.  They'll think that's commendable, and you'll get the benefit of knowing that you're moving toward something beneficial to you ($$) and helping the company.  Just don't let not getting the "regular" review affect your attitude.  You're obviously an asset to the company or you wouldn't be there all this time.

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