
I was offered the job, but not they want a background test?

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I was offered a job as an Admin. assistant at a small staffing company. They welcomed me with open arms and even gave me a start date of tomorrow to come in and train! Well, then I receive an email from my manager to fill out background check paperwork. Why would they do this now and not before? I dont' have any criminal history or anything, but I did leave off some past employers that had no relevance. Can they fire me over this? Or do you think they just wanted me to fill out this paperwork for their records?

Just confused because they already hired me!!




  1. Don't worry about it.  Many companies do this and it is common practice.  They often don't have you fill out the forms until you accept the job because they don't want to spend any extra money on you before hand unless they know you really want the position.   Signing confidentiality agreements are just a sign of the times.  They don't want you giving away any of their secrets (or discussing any of their business) with anyone else.  

    Go ahead and list the employers that you didn't list before.  Explain to your boss when you never listed them on your resume because they did not have relevance to the position you are applying.  Its no big deal.  I don't list everything on my resumes.    However because they are doing a background check on you, you must list these employers on your background check forms, if you do not, then they do have grounds to dismiss you in the future (if they wanted).   Depending on what kind of background check they are doing, they may just run a basic law check on you, or they may call past employers.  

    Don't worry.  Just enjoy your new job.

  2. A lot of times, companies just need a background check for their records.  Chances are, they really want you there, so they will not fire you if you left off some former employers.  In fact, if the employment wasn't relevant and was replaced by something more important, it actually prevents clutter on your resume.  Anyway, background checks usually take a long time to get back, sometimes a few months.  They probably like your skills, trust you and want you to start now, not in 6 months.  If they get the background check back and they find a criminal record or drug history, then they may reconsider your employment, but I'm sure you will be fine, since you were honest.  If you are still concerned, the best thing to do is just ask.  

    In response to your update:  Most Human Resource offices require employers to send an official offer letter and complete paperwork for their records to ensure they are following equal opportunity employer rules.  This paperwork HR know that you were the most qualified candidate and not just a good friend with no skills.

    Good luck with your job.  

  3. They basically do the background check to make sure that you don't have any criminal history.   In all my applications they have me sign that I would accept a background check.  I wouldnt worry about it, as you said you didn't have a record.  I doubt that they would fire you over not mentioning a few jobs.  

  4. This is pretty common & I wouldn't worry about it. They are basically checking to see if you've ever been arrested or have a criminal background. The irrelevant jobs shouldn't hurt you at all.  

  5. For the background check it's going to be more so to check you criminal history. A lot of places have them done now. I wouldn't be worried about it. It's just to cover there ***. And some times they don't even run them they just see if you are willing to allow them to see if anything is in you past. Not putting past work history shouldn't hurt you.  

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