
I was on a peddle boat the other day which had a very hard back and i was leaning on it 2 hard ?

by  |  earlier

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it was hurting whilst i was on it a little but the pain soon went away, i then lent on a bus window which also gave me back pain but soon went away. A couple of hours later i went to sit down and it was really painful, this has lasted for two days now it only hurts when i sit down, lay down, bend down or lean backwards but when i do it gives me severe pains and feels bruised. It is also starting to hurt a little when i am breathing so i am getting easily out of breath, does anyone know what this could be? Bruised spine, bruised vertebrate etc..? If so would i need to get it checked out and is there any medication i can take apart from ibuprofen 2 ease the pain?




  1. You are lacking magnesium, potassium and calcium. If you double up for a week on your doses then you should feel better in about 2 days. You may also be lacking iron.

    Iron deficency test: Go to the mirror and pull your lower eyelid and see if the color is red or flesh color. If its flesh colored you are lacking enough iron and should take a herbal iron like Floradix. It will take a month to see a difference. Iron carrys oxygen in your blood and if you dont have it you will feel tired, cold hands and feet, headaches, RLS, dull brittle hair, brittle nails, poor sleep, pale skin (see thru), shortness of breath, fatigue, poor concentration, low mood, ringing in the ears, irregular heart beats, cracks in the corner of the mouth, dizziness, fainting, sore tongue and canker sores. Add b12 and folic acid for best results

    Check this website if you dont believe me..

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