
I was on probation in the state of Florida for a marijuana charge my probation officer asked me to read a?

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paper concerning giving up my D.N.A. The form said I could voluntarily give it up or I can deny the D.N.A if I wasn't a s*x offender. Well I wasn't a s*x offender and I denied it but my probation officer threatened to put me in jail. I couldn't afford to go to jail because I was running my landscaping company. He made me give up my D.N.A and I want to know if I can do anything about it.




  1. You don't have to give up your DNA. His threat doesn't mean anything. He didn't "make" you give up your DNA, you volunteered it. There's nothing you can do now.

  2. as far as I know what your probation officer did was illegal by threatening to put you in jail for not giving up your DNA. that's why they have that clause in there that you have the right to deny it, and by him threatening to put you in jail is considered cohersion and he can/should get in trouble for that. That is why when you plead guilty in court they ask if you came to this conclusion on your own and no one threatened you or not because if you were forced or threatened into that decision that is illegal. I know it wasnt in court but basically you were threatened into doing that against your will. you should consult a lawyer or the public defender about this, usually they love to go after these kind of things, especially PD's! Good luck! hopefully you can get it reversed and have your DNA taken out of the system.

  3. If the terms of your probation don't require you to give a DNA sample, then you don't have to do it. That simple. On the other hand it probably pays to put on a smile, humor your probation officer, and stay on his good side.

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