
I was on the toilet tonight when I saw something crawling through my pubic hair. What's it likely to be?

by  |  earlier

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When I looked closer there were lots of them.




  1. OOh Doreen its lice,only way 2 get rid o them is with a blow torch! If its crabs battery acid will kill em!

  2. pubic need treatment.

    shaving will not rid crabs.

  3. Pubic lice, get the lice cream or shave your pubes off

  4. You probably have crabs, go to a doctor. Then you can get, a lotion or shampoo to get rid of them.

  5. Tiny babbies. Congrats, you're a mommy!


    that is so nasty.  YOU GOT CRABS!

  7. A lost tribe of pygmies

  8. Could be dust mites if it hasn't been used in a while :)

  9. sounds like crabs, they are kind of like head lice but for pubic hair. get yourself to your local chemist as soon as possible, you might also want to warn anyone that you have had sexual contact with, shared clothes or towels with etc. as they will probably ave them too.

  10. It's football fans who have lost their way going to the match.  Just point them in the right direction.  Problem solved.

  11. poor u that is disgusting

  12. stab them with an icepick quick!!

  13. your fingers ya dirty ******

  14. crabs or lice

    get that stuff checked out go see a doctor or something.

    and don't spread them to other people.

  15. Didn't your mom ever tell you NOT to play in the yard with the boys next door naked? Shame on you.  

  16. not sure, try this, shave one side, grab a knife...start a fire on the other side and when they run to the shaved side stab one...then see if you can tell what it is???  

  17. crabs..

  18. crabs!! go to the doctor lol

  19. I'm really not up to scratch on that sort of thing, one would advise that you're a little more careful in future though... ;)

  20. well, I took a real close look and came up with this...

  21. A Hedgehog ????

  22. Decapods

  23. They are barnacles Dor  . .   you find them in bilge  . . .   is it coz you are a Dirty Little Scratch ??!!

  24. Crabs, or borrowers.

  25. Pubic lice or crabs

    Tell ur doc

  26. i hate to say this but u might have pubic lice

    go to the doctors

    and don't get worried

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