
I was paralized during meditation and something weird happened .i need help from wiccans /pagans?

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Note: i respect your beliefs or non-beliefs about the spiritual and paranormal and i expect the same , so if you are just going to mock me or judge me , you will be reported.

yesterday i was doing meditation before going to sleep , and while doing so , i suddenly saw an scene and voices inside of my head. my dad had arrived from work and i heard my sister and mom voice talking to him , so i thought to myself , (since my sis and i sleep in the same bed) if my sis is in the living room then who is lying by my side? and i became paralyzed as i tried to move to see who was lying next to me , and out of nowhere i heard this feminine voice coming from my side repeating the same phrase over and over , it really couldn’t make out what she was saying but it was something like this: revenge against the body! i tried it to move my arms , but i felt a strong force stopping me from doing so, i felt as if she wanted to get inside my body and posses me and then i remember calling Jesus name in my mind to command her to get away from me, and then the voice stopped and could move again , I looked to my side and my sister was sleeping , as I went finally went to sleep , nightmares haunted all night long . this is not the first time it happens . two years ago I was again , LYING BUT NOT SLEEPING in my bed and I suddenly see this girl in my bed between and my sister looking straight at me and again I was paralyzed , she began to repeat a word that I don’t want to say here but that bothers me a lot , when she finished she started breathing really heavily and then disappeared , please I mentioned wiccans and pagans to answer this question because I need something to keep spirits away from me , I know the ritual to protect my house but not my body plz help me !




  1. Doing meditation just before your sleep is often convenient, but brings it's own problems. ( I do it too).

    What you experienced was probably more sleep paryalysis and dreaming than anything dangerous.

    It is possible that some entity is taking advantage of you at this point, but more likely some hidden subconcious is surfacing at this point.

    You can still afford yourself protection from using herbs, or blessed salt water around the perimeter of the room, or wearing a pendant for protection.

    The link below is about basic preparation for astral travel, but should work for you too to feel protected.

    Ultimately - you are in control and have nothing to fear. Nothing will enter you unless you will it to.

    Tell it it has no power over you, or ask it what it's problem is.

  2. hi , when you meditate you need to protect your body cause you can say that "you are in a place and your body in another" so maybe so when you were meditating some spirit came and you couldn't came back completely (is not that you left something behind) and that's why you were paralized. and more if that thing was trying to get you.

    now , it only happens when you meditate??

    if you believe that something has power, then it will , that's why when you called jesus, that thing went away.

    anyway just protect yourself, you can use a quartz

  3. What you are describing is very atypical "sleep paralysis"

    Look that up. You are not being plagued by demons, or any of that.

    For the record, why would you call out the name of Jesus? If you are entertaining the occult over christianity, then you are clearly not a christian. The Bible fobids the occult strongly in the old testament and new.

    Lets get back to solutions to your problem. Eliminate stress from your life. Sleep at regular times. If you experience more of these, you might want to get checked out for sleep apnea as this can cause sleep paralysis.

  4. You don't need a wiccan or pagan for this. I'm Catholic and I can help you.

    The thing I know about negative spirits is that they try to trick you. A spirit cannot posses your body without your permission. It really is that simple. So she couldn't have gotten into you and she wasn't holding you down. chances are really good you were in the middle of trying to astral project, an OBE, I do it every night. Now, when it happens to me, my guardian angels will soothe me at the same time they help me to get to that paralyzed feeling, so that I won't panic. Panicking the way you did is very normal when you astral travel but aren't aware of it or do like you did and wake up in the middle of it.

    Ways to protect yourself... yup, Jesus is an excellent way. Next time they come, say in your mind, "I command you to leave my home in the name of Jesus Christ!" The thing that made you able to move is when you began to call out Jesus name and she left, you calmed down, she wasn't the holding you down. She can't do that. BUT...she can make you *think* that she was by playing on your fears. They are very very good at that.

    Protection... see pure white light of Christ surrounding your home, above and below the earth, but see it filling the inside of your house as well, shining through every door, every crack, every crevice. And then surround your body the same way, above and below the earth (cause you have chakras in your feet) and see the light infusing every cell of your body. This is all you need. But you can pray and ask Jesus to protect your home. Burn white candles (pure white not vanilla white) and some frankincense to keep them away.

    She can't hurt you.


    I have to agree in part with Romona. I can't say that I think witchcraft is evil, cause I have no idea, but I have been warned by my guides as well as the woman who cleaned a demon from my home not to "toy" with this. It was explained to me that there's a dark and a light side to everything, as Romona explained, and you have to be careful with witchcraft and spells or you attract the dark side to you. So don't mettle in witchcraft and spells if it's not your religion. You could end up with something that's ticked off, hates you, and is determined to stay and make you even more miserable than the parlyzed feeling did (been there done that).

  5. Are you open-minded to the possibility that this story was created by the interior narrative of your imagination?  Meditation is a prime mental state to create such (day)dreams.

  6. As a non-partisan esotheric theorist, I'd say the following is possible:

    1) Ghost. It is possible that you experienced something displaced and vengeful - but a bit unlikely. The physics of it don't really add up well for that.

    2) In meditation you tapped into something a bit too removed from you. Possibly something malicious (to use the cleche' term, demonic) noticed the focus of your meditation and saw an opening and tried to exploit it.

    3) Don't freak, but what sounds to be the most logical (metaphysically speaking) answer is someone doing something with intention. I hate crass terms like "curse" and "spell" but it implies what I am getting at - someone, a practioneer with a grudge or a horrible aim (or perhaps trying to get to someone close to you using your connection to them as a conduit - people can sometimes be like points on a road map. Think the 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon, only spiritually) using their focus/will/etc. in attempts to direct a malicious energy and it either was meant for you or hit you like a road block and stopped there. If it was repeated rapidly, like a chant, it could be something along those lines. If there are people at your school or whatnot that have a grudge against you they may be dabbling in things they shouldn't. Usually it's benign, but if your were meditating at the time and they were channeling - it's possible.

    4) Dream, hallucination, etc. It is possible. Many times the most arcane and esotheric things have the simplest and most mundane of answers and they are usually right. If you were focused inward enough you could have simply projected something outward that paralized you and caused a fear that manifested in the aparation of whatever was threatening you.

    My advise, when you meditate, draw a circle around you first. Nothing magical, just a statement of intention to be undisturbed. No spooky stuff - just something to keep you focused from letting outside distractions or internal fears get at you. If this continues, I recomend seeking out a priest (not a medium -  you want this thing warded, not invited).

  7. This can happen in sleep ,.....its inbetween sleep and awake. It can also happen in meditation ..and the creatures around you are actually astral.  The ritual to protect your house should protect your body as well.  You can try the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram.  Send a prayer with a candle works too. On the proactive side you can also wear amythyst to prevent psychic attacks.


  8. There is of coarse the scientific explanation.  Then there's well this paranormal occurrence.  I think yours is a paranormal case because your experienced with meditation and so on.  There are things you can personally do for your own self, but you'd have to do some research into it to find out exactly one that you ll need.  Why do you ask specifically of wiccans/pagans though???  By the way I am a wiccan .  )0(

  9. I am neither pagan or wiccan but I can tell you a few things about meditation.  When you meditate you should always protect yourself.  Always burn a white candle as well as a black one.  The white will be to let in the good and the black candle will be to keep out the negitive energy.  Keep the white light surrounding you while you meditate.  Once you are in deep enough, you become easy prey for negitive energies, which that sounds like what you experienced.  It also sounds like you would be a candidate for channelling, but I do not advise it unless you have a person with you that knows what to do if it goes too far or you get into distress.

  10. Read this link and see if it's anything like what you went through.

  11. Possibly an entity attached to your sister trying to move over to you when you are more vulnerable.  Not really possesion, more like attachment, either case, not a good thing.  Or an astral/etheric dork trying to get a fear energy feeding.

    I wouldn't recommend asking anyone to intervene as it can cause more harm than good. You can deal with this yourself. Just don't have any fear, be firm, and use forgiveness against this thing.

    A Himalayan Salt Crystal lamp can s***w up the ability of these things to manifest or gain power at night. Get one, keep it on your nightstand.

    Purify the room before you sleep with blessed Tibetan incense.

    Keep a bowl of blessed himalayan/celtic/sea salt water at the 4 corners of your bed when you sleep.  Change the water each morning. You can make your own holy water.

    Put a Tibetan prayer flag and/or cross over your headboard.  Prayer flags are awesome because they impart the vibrations of hundreds of prayers into your room.

    Pray before bed, then ask Jesus to coat you with his blood and cleanse your body and room. Then "Visualize" a bubble of white light around your body.  (very effective)

    Make some orgonite, bless it while it cures, and place pictures of Jesus around the curing orgonite. Then place some of this in your room/house.

    Put a picture of Jesus up near your bed, put a bible on your nightstand near your head.  Read scriptures before you sleep as the last thing you do.

    For tougher ones, get a cold mist vaporizer, put some holy water in it, then a bit of apple cider vinegar. Run this at night.  Toss some citrine around under your bed.

    Ask angels for protection before you sleep, visualize the shield I mention above, then ask angels to reinforce it.  The only thing that can penetrate your shield is anything spiritually higher than you, the onyl thing that can penetrate an angel reinforced shield is God.

    Sleep with a Dog.  Entities hate pets sleeping in a persons bed, it usually prevents manifestation due to dogs having unconditional love vibrational auras.

    Be strong, have no fear. Fear is their energy, their weapon against you.

  12. I think you are experiencing astral catalepsy. I get it all the time. The best way to explain it is its when your spirit leaves your body to "take a break" you go out and even see other peoples living spirits. The people you see and hear are probebly other peoples spirits meeting with you. Everyone has it, but some like you and I can recognize it. Look it up. Its really interesting.

  13. WIth paranoramal activity it is possible for this to occur spirits require energy to manifest themselfs which would explain your inability to move.  Protect yourself with what ever prayer, surroundings such as the candles that were previously mentioned.  As you can tell by your prayer the spirit was no longer present.

  14. I'm not what you would call wiccan but I come from a family in which witchcraft was practiced.  My mother was a white witch, my father was into the black arts, my sister was a wiccan, and I had the ability to write spells.  Although many here may disagree, witchcraft and wicca comes from a demonic influence.  

    The power that would make our spells work was not from a good place, even if the outcome was relatively benign.

    I have nothing against wiccans but I've become a Christian, as has my family.  Knowing what I know now, the only thing to keep unwanted spirits away is exactly what you did.  You called upon the name of Jesus.  That's the one name that will protect you when all else fails.  

    You should not attempt to rely on something else, take it from my family's experience.  People may tell you something different according to their experiences but I come from a family of witchcraft.  I am telling you this from first hand experience.

    Continue to resist this possessing spirit b/c that is what it is trying to do to you.  It wants to possess you.  You have to continue to resist by the blood of Christ.  Eventually it will move on to easier prey, i.e. someone who does not know that the blood of Christ will protect them.

    Other old remedies include, sprinkling salt around the permiter of your home.  You have to keep up with this and do it continually.

    Another method is to bless all the windows with oil (of some sort).  I use olive oil.  I bless the oil in the name of Jesus and I annoint each doorway and window by making a cross with my finger in the oil.  You can also smudge the oil on the door with your finger.  You need to do this at least once a month until the invading force stops trying to gain entry.

    Although these spirits are not physical, I believe that doors and windows have special significance, even closet doors.  So annoint each door and window in your home.  

    I've also seen sage used.  You may want to purchase a smudge stick from an herbal store.  I don't know how well this works.  You may have to do this continually.

    If I've said anything to offend anyone, I honestly don't mean any disrespect.  I'm simply speaking from my personal experience and the experience of my family.

  15. Yes, I fully agree with Woz.

    It can be very difficult to realize that you fall asleep, especially when you are lying down to meditate. That is one of the main resons why lying down is not advised during meditation.

    You were probably halfway between waking and dreaming or kind of lucid-dreaming. During that time, sleep-paralysis can create the feeling you describe, but you may not realize that you are actually dreaming.

    So there is a very simple cure to this: sit up straight when meditating.

  16. I think you might have gone through sleep paralysis. It happens when you're about to go into REM or out of it, and part of your mind wakes up, but your body doesn't. The "ghost" you saw and heard was a hallucination, you usually get them with sleep paralysis. The average person goes through this at least once.

    But maybe it's a ghost or demon, check with some paranormal people.

  17. What meditation techniques were you using?

    I have read of something similar occurring.

    This is probably psychological not spiritual.

    Basically you're receving "static" cos your "technique" is merely resetting your brain to a "rinse" cycle.

    You may think you're awake but you're not!

    You might want to read up on what various mystics say Christian, pagan and Buddhist, about ignoring "transient phenomena" while meditating!

  18. I am Wiccan.

    That was sleep paralysis.

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