
I was promised something in a will, but my family sold it at auction?

by  |  earlier

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My great grandfather died, and in his will he said I could have this antique mirroir (Its one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen, and its been promised to me since i was 3 and said that i liked it) It has alot of meaning to me.

But my family on that side hates me, because I went to court to have my father lose right to see me (long stroy)

anyways, I am a 15 year old girl who could'nt even go to the funeral, because...well its complicated.

I really wanted that mirrior to preserve in my mind my great grandfather who was a person I admired loved and respected.

They auctioned it off knowing that it belonged to me , and now I don't know where it is or anything.

I am heart broken by it and Iit makes me so angry that they did that.

I was also promised in the will a pocieln antique doll, which i did recieve, but it was the wrong one.

It was'nt for money either, because they were very rich because they owned alot of land (think in the millions).

I just want to know what i can do.




  1. You can take them to small claims court. Kiss the mirror goodbye. Unfortunately the best result is that you would receive the money they made by selling the mirror. I'm sorry about your grandpa.

  2. at 15 there's not a lot you can do.  one thing you can do though, is get a parent or guardian to file suit in court.

  3. As you are a minor, only your parent or legal guardian can sue on your behalf, provided you have a copy of a valid will proving you were left those items; otherwise, legally, without a will, you are not entitled to anything.

  4. You have to get a lawyer, as this is legally complicated and as you are underage. Depending on where in the world you are you might get free legal assistance.

    If you can prove that the will specifies that you should have got mirror and doll and that your relatives intentionally deceived you, they commited an offense. They should be sued quickly, also to try and get the items back. Again depending on which country you are in, auctioned goods may or may not be recoverable, so you may just receive compensation.

  5. You need the advice of legal counsel.  See an attorney.  You'll also need copy of the will and any probate proceedings.

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