
I was pulling out of a private driveway and was struck by a vehicle that was backing out of a driveway. fault?

by  |  earlier

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We both were entering a public roadway from private driveways opposite each other.




  1. The easy answer is "No Fault". The more complicated answer has to do with point of impact on both your vehicles, and where in the road they met.

  2. It will most likely depend on who can prove that they started to back out first.

  3. Sometimes the fault must be shared - and so each pays for their own repair.

    My friend was involved in an accident. Both drivers sued each other. I went to court (for moral support). The judge decided that the fault should be equally shared and that each pay for their own repair.

    Good Luck...

  4. Sounds like you were both at fault. Did you get a police report?


  5. I take it the other car's rear hit you and you were on the same side of the road?

    It's their fault, if you were in front you have right of way and they didn't see you.

  6. he backed into you its his fault.

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