
I was raised christian but am not any more. Dont know what to do about my childs religion.?

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I am pregnant and ive been thinking about how my parents raised me christian and how am i going to raise my child.

When i was growing up i would prey everynight with my dad next to me and i went to sunday school till i was about 11 and then around 15 i started study and learning about other religions and relized that christian is just what my parents raised me to believe in, but i learned by my self that i dont believe in that, i just went along with what my parents did. i did believe it until i started seeing things in a different view point.

so now im trying to decide if i should raise my child they way my parents did. i was a very happy child but i would be teaching my child somthing that me and my fiance do not believe in is that wrong?

should i raise him/her with the beliefs i have or should i just keep it christian.




  1. You could introduce parts of each religion to the child and let them decide.  My step mother is from India, and is Hindu... My dad is Catholic... My half brother and sister were both baptised Catholic, but they don't eat any meat, and follow certain traditions for both religions... when they get old enough (they are 3 and 5 right now) they will make their decision if they want to be catholic, hindu, or another religion, and my parents agreed to support them whatever they choose...Good luck

  2. I used to wonder the same thing and decided that raising my children with some sort of religious exposure was beneficial in that the lessons and morals learned are good and generally the company the children keep are good 'peers' to have around.

    So i figured, sure take them to Sunday School etc and expose them to what I believed in then and the general principles, but also remain open to the fact that one day (just like you and me) they may start asking questions and exploring other religions or abandoning a religion entirely.  So in your case - sure teach them what you believe (your own take on religion) but if they come home one day expressing an interest in going to the local church or Sunday School with a friend - let them.  Only an individual can decide if they want to believe in God or a certain religion etc.  There will be plenty of opportunities in life through friends and family for them to learn different viewpoints on the subject.

  3. Every parent has the right to raise the children with their religious beliefs (or lack thereof). Your parents had a right to expose you to Christianity and now you have the right not to teach your kids Christianity. They are your kids to raise as you see fit. That being said, I think there is no harm in teaching kids about ALL world religions, big and small, so that one day they can choose for themself. Maybe they'll want to be a completely different religion entirely. That should be OK. Just teach them that all religions are equally valid and many promote the same things (love, tolerance, etc).

  4. Why do you have to bother the kids with religion? Just let them get born, grow and during the time if they ask anything you answer the truth. The end.

  5. I would say to let your child explore their spirituality beliefs as they grow older. If that is something that your child wants in his/her life, be completely supportive of the decision. If they do not want that as a part of their life, continue to support their choice. Someone's religion should not be forced, but chosen.

    Good luck.

  6. Leave your child to deside. Keep good morals and such but don't force any beliefe on your child. Let them find what fills their heart later in life.

  7. expose your child to all religions and let her choose when you are old enough. But as you said you enjoyed how you were raised and it didn't hurt you in anyway. really when it comes down to it, it is your choice

  8. What is Christianity to you?  If it is just about believing there is a God and pray as in telling him your problems and request?  If your answer is yes, then all religions does the same.

    If you really believe in Jesus and the sacrifice at the cross and know it was real not just because it was in history but the reason He paid the price, then you'll start putting on your thinking caps.

    True Christianity cannot be carried down from parents.  It has to be a commitment made by an individual who is convinced about Jesus and His purpose at the cross. One must be convinced that He died and rose again from the dead and was made a sacrifice, the penalty for sins.  Whoever believes and confesses his/her sin and accept that payment on the cross is born into the family of God (ie Christian family).  (The confession is not to the priest or padre but to God Himself)

    Your parents can only influence you and teach you but they cannot make you a Christian.  In short, you never was a Christian.  You were born in a Christian family, saw them praying etc but you have not made that personal decision yourself, so you cannot say that you were once a Christian.

    Unlike religions which teaches about God and what is right and wrong, true Christianity is about relationship a child has with his Father.  Once a person accepts Jesus and understood why and how he was saved, he/she enters God's family and relates to God as a child with his/her dad.  Christianity is all about relationship and friendship with God and humans.  Perhaps you should call on some Christians you know who will help you.

    About your pregnancy, just enjoy your baby and do not worry about the future of the child for who can tell what tomorrow will bring.

  9. You obviously never really had a relationship with god,thats why you have not stayed with him.Give your child that opportunity and maybe you can ask god to help you to have a real relationship with him.

    God knows you and wants you to know him intimately.

  10. raise your child as you would like them to be. Honest reliable , moral and guide them in the direction of being the best you can be. Most of all give your child a happy like. I was in the same situation and now have 2 lovely children 17 and 13 who are good kids and are respected.

  11. Let your child choose their religion.

    Teach him life like how to hep others, how to respect himself and others, etc.

  12. let your child choose their own.

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