
I was reading, "Use CSS Images instead of IMG tag: An easy way to..

by  |  earlier

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speed up the rendering of an image is to simply call as a background of a div tag.", and elsewhere I read that that if you use CSS for images the images will come up last (after your text), which is what I want.

But I don't want to load up my css page with a long list of images (40), becuase the CSS page is loaded into the visitor's browser, and so will slow the length of time it takes to bring up my site. I really don't want to use sprites. Isn't there a way where I can load the images into a PHP includes file and refer to the includes file in the CSS, but what code would I use in the main coding (HTML) from page to page to bring up the different images for different pages?

Thanks for the help




  1. You could pass a parameter in your URLs query string, like:


    Then you can name your CSS file something like:


    In your CSS file you can do something like:

    $img = $_GET['img'];

    If ($img > 0 && $img <  5) {

    print "#myDiv { background-url: image1.jpg }";

    } else {

    print "#myDiv { background-url: image2.jpg }";


    Or you know, use whatever argument you want within your if statement.

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