i was rear-ended as i was waiting to make a left turn onto a driveway. I was marking my turn signal from a distance, and following all the laws. Well this guy rear-ended me, we pulled to the side and he called his mom, he was a minor. i only got license plate number and the mothers telephone number. My father told me if i saw no serious damages that i could let them go, and f he later saw damages we would contact the mother. About an hour later my neck became ever stiff and my back was huritng really bad. I called the woman i told me the car was un-insured she had no job, and could not do anything about what had happened, but in a nasty tone. i told her i went to the doctor, because i was in a lot of pain and she responded saying it was nothing serious and that i just wanted to make a big scene over it and i didnt because i never called police at the sence trying to be nice. Well since she didnt want to respond i filed the police report and called my insurance and now i'm just waiting