
I was rear-ended, the driver had no license or insurance and doesnt want to take responsibility?

by  |  earlier

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i was rear-ended as i was waiting to make a left turn onto a driveway. I was marking my turn signal from a distance, and following all the laws. Well this guy rear-ended me, we pulled to the side and he called his mom, he was a minor. i only got license plate number and the mothers telephone number. My father told me if i saw no serious damages that i could let them go, and f he later saw damages we would contact the mother. About an hour later my neck became ever stiff and my back was huritng really bad. I called the woman i told me the car was un-insured she had no job, and could not do anything about what had happened, but in a nasty tone. i told her i went to the doctor, because i was in a lot of pain and she responded saying it was nothing serious and that i just wanted to make a big scene over it and i didnt because i never called police at the sence trying to be nice. Well since she didnt want to respond i filed the police report and called my insurance and now i'm just waiting




  1. You did the right thing by calling your insurancce company.  You should have called the police too Your insurance company will be contacting the driver and the Mom.  Don't worry about what she says or does not say, it is irrevelant.   Do not speak to either the driver or the Mom.  Let your insurance handle everything.....   ALWAYS call both the police and your insurance company.....

    A L W A Y S  !  !

  2. you did the absolute right thing.  if you had full coverage on your car they will pay the damages to your car and your medical bills and then they will go after the other party for reimbursement.  be patient and let your company handle it for you, that's what you pay them for.

  3. Get a lawyer she thinks she can not have anything happen to her and she is sadly mistaken.

  4. OK, you don't ask a question here.

    Likely, that kid isn't covered under her policy, and you'll have to sue both of them in small claims court to get the money, unless you want to file it under your insurance company.

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