
I was rear ended by another vehicle?

by  |  earlier

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who is at blame ?




  1. the person who hit you unless you cut him off  

  2. The vehicle who rear ended you as they were traveling too close to stop in time or not paying attention to what is going on  

  3. The person who rear ended you, regardless of the situation should have been driving at a safe distance for the road conditions at the time of the incident therefor this was not your fault and as you can see by the majority of your answers most will say the same

  4. The other driver was entirely at fault in the situation that you describe.

    Apparently he had intended to run the light and thought that you were going to also.

    He should have been issued a summons.

  5. The other driver was to blame.

    I live in the Uk and that is the law here at least.

    some conmen make a lot of money by deliberately getting people to rear end them (for example they drive up to a junction which is clearly empty and then slam on the brakes) and the way the law is, the other insurance company have to pay out unless they can prove they did it maliciously (which is impossible).

    At the end of the day, you have to be far enough behind the driver in front in order to stop safely.  

  6. The other driver is at blame. anytime u get hit from the rear it is the other drivers fault.

  7. Unless you just slammed on the brakes, it is the person who hit your car who is at fault.

  8. The person that rear ended you will be at fault 99 percent of the time but I would need more details of the accident..

    Update.......It would not be your fault at all.

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