
I was recently arrested for DWi 5th offense and assaulting a cop. What can I tell the Judge? I'm so scared?

by Guest31987  |  earlier

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I live in Texas




  1. I'm in Texas also and I just worked a trial for a 4th DWI, which was a felony.

    He's doing 45 years in TDCJ.

    Maybe you and him can swap drinking stories.

  2. guilty, your honor.   Why were you not so scared about DWI's that you asked someone to drive you home.  My grandmother was killed by a drunk driver.....I have no sympathy.

  3. My answer is;

    About how Stupid you are and too Please get you some help. Before you have a accident.

  4. Nothing.  You are going to jail and you have every right to be afraid.  I am sorry, but this is just the way that it is.  h**l, you may even be going to prison, but you are certainly not going to be allowed to mingle with other, more functional members of the public.  Good luck.

  5. well first apparently you have not learned from your first DUI, so that tell the judge you dont listen very well. so why should he give you a second and third and fourth chance suck it up. you were not scared when you got behind the wheel and assaulting a cop they should of kicked your A....... so guess what you going to jail//

  6. You can tell the judge "I'm a miserable douche bag and belong in prison for the rest of my life because I don't give a rat's A$$ about anybody but me!"  Actually you're lucky you didn't get a Rodney King Special after assaulting the police officer.  You should be scared - you're going to prison and that's where idiots like you belong.

  7. Tell him you found Jesus, Texans are such suckers for people who found Jesus

  8. you deserve to go to jail, fifth fcking offense.

    Drinking is fine but dont put other people in danger because you can ask someone to drive you home.

    you need to go to jail, we thought you might have learned the first 4 times you ignorant a*****e.

  9. tell the judge you're a drunken sot and jail will keep you off the roads as a danger to innocent people.

  10. 5th offense?....

    judge isn't gonna believe a word. don't matter.

    get your life straight bud.

  11. I'm sure you are scared!  I'm hoping that you have an attorney or plan on retaining one soon.  Your only hope is that he/she can negotiate with the D.A. in possibly reducing or dropping the charge, otherwise you will probably have to serve some time.  What State do you live in?

  12. Tell the judge you're an alcoholic who looks forward to getting dry in prison.  If you're scared, you should have thought of the consequences about 4 DWIs ago.

  13. That you're glad you haven't run anyone over yet while you are out driving drunk and that you would like to apologize to the Officer in open court and thank him/her for possibly saving your life on the night they arrested you.

    The average person that drives drunk will do it 80 times a year.........NHTSA.

  14. guilty your honour

  15. doesn't really matter, you are going to jail.  let this be a wake up call.

    statistically you are in the fatal accident area now.  the odds are extremely high that someone will die the next time you get behind the wheel after drinking.  ask the judge to give you the maximum allowable jail time because you are too weak and simple-minded to control your actions.

  16. How about "guilty as charged"

  17. lol Tell him your sorry but you will do it again and again and again.. thank god you didnt kill anyone yet.. I think you should be placed in jail for about 30years. :)

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