
I was recently denied my dream into the coast guard. Can I get into another branch?

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Im a very stable, smart, in shape 26 yr old male. I was recently denied entry into the Coast Guard because I took anti-depressants for a few months because my mom thought I had a bad temper. The recruiter even said its a bad move for the military because they could have really used a guy like me. Since I couldnt get into the coast guard i decided to go back to school in marine biology. I would still like to get into the Navy, and was wondering if its possible at all. Also I was wondering if another branch would have access to my coast guard application. If not maybe I just wont mention any negative past situations.




  1. You can try the Army and the Air Force they most likely will take you.

  2. try the army

  3. how long were you off the meds and did a doctor supervise?  if less than a year off the meds or a doctor did not  authorize it, you are DQd from ALL Branches.  you must be off the meds for 12 months, and function normally before a waiver will be considered.  the CG grants almost zero waivers period, they are the smallest Branch( they only took  4000 new sailors this FY and next FY they are taking even fewer)

    the DQ is on record so even if you try another Branch they WILL see it. They will also put two and two together if you fail to mention it.    

  4. Being a former Army National Guard recruiter I will tell you that you will almost definatly be able to enter the Army with a waiver. No biggie as long as you are currently medically cleared. The way you have to look at this is which branch needs people more. It certainly is NOT the Coast Guard or Air Force. Their are pratically lines of people out the door to join, where as the Army isn't "hard up" per say, we are just the biggest branch and require more people. On a side note, remember far as the military goes IF THEY CANNOT VERIFY IT ON PAPER SOMEWHERE THEN IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!.  They have no idea who your civilian doctor is, and really can't prove you ever saw one in your life, unless you tell them of course. If you snorted cocaine 60 times but never were caught, then you never snorted cocaine. Food for thought.

  5. i would still try the navy ,there are many jobs that should still be available to you ,talk to a recruiter and be straight up about every thing (he most likely won't know how to deal with that,kidding).

    you may not get to be a pilot or an air traffic controller ,but other than that ,you should have no problem,the navy needs recruits more than the coast guard since they(coast guard) aren't deployed to iraq or afghanistan.

  6. If you went to MEPS then your record is on file and available to every MEPS in the United States.

  7. If you process through the Navy the Navy would have to get a Waiver for you and you would have to agree that some of the ratings will be unavailable to you because of this.

    I would recommend going to im KJC88 there and there are retired and active sailors and Navy personnel who can help professionally and give you a better and accurate answer, rather than on Yahoo.

    Good luck Sailor.

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