
I was recently in Devon when a local commented on my Yorkshire accent ... ?

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I have a strong Yorkshire accent since I am from West Yorkshire and I was in Devon for a few days visiting an old friend.

When we were sitting having a drink in a pub, a person (from Devon) came up to me and asked where I was from because I had a "strong accent". When I replied "West Yorkshire" he said "Oh" and gave me a really peculiar look, kind of like the look you give someone when you really want them to go away!

I'm not in the south of England much so I was wondering if anyone from Devon/surrounding areas could tell me why the man reacted to me like this?





  1. Them right strange folk 'cross Tamar, sometimes...

    Or perhaps he'd just lost a bet with his mates as to where you came from.

    He can't have been an ex-pat Lancastrian, or he'd have known...

  2. Hi I Was In Cornwall Other Week Met Some Randomers And They Were Taking The Mic Of My Accent - Just One Of Those Things. I'm From West Yorkshire And Proud

  3. Don't let it worry you, the "really peculiar look" is a thing shared by everyone south of the Thames, it comes from spending too much time pointing at airplanes.  

  4. ... he could have thought you were after his sheep?

  5. Devon is the most appallingly judgemental place in the world...I know I was brought up there, they hate everyone whose granny wasn't born there - they probably think you are weird, they dont even like pople from the next village - ont worry about it.

  6. I don't know but ignore it. The Devon accent is bloody awful so I wouldn't worry! When I went to America, everyone and I mean everyone thought I was Australian! It drove me mad and they looked at me like I was crazy when I said I was English. I visited three places and had the same reaction everywhere. One taxi driver in NYC thought I was French! I think it's because I don't talk like the queen. Be proud of your accent.  

  7. I don't know!

    I am from Birmingham but have been living in Devon now for six years and i can honestly say that this has never happened to me, after all Devonians are used to northerners because of the holiday trade. If i were you i would just take it with a pinch of salt and don't worry about it.

    Oh and ignore the comment underneath. Devonians are NOT judgemental, but........ there is always one, wherever you go.

  8. I shouldn't worry too much. I put up with it all the time. I live in Cornwall, and have a Birmingham accent. I work in a little supermarket with Cornish girls, and they are always taking the mickey out of me, and my accent. They're not really a bad bunch, and I've never really had anything nasty said, they, like everyone else in Britain just think they speak better than anyone else. Maybe you just read a little bit too much into it, as the Cornish, and Devonians are not spiteful people. It's Londeners who I have the most trouble with. They just think they're better than anyone else, period!!!!

  9. They don't understand us down there.

  10. its just because we're interested where other folk are from, i've had that befoe and im from plymouth, the biggest city in devon, and i've had odd looks too. we do have our own ways down this end of the country.

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