
I was recently in a car accident, what can I do?

by  |  earlier

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I was sitting at a red light yesterday and a pickup truck that didn't even try to stop hit me at 55mph. My trunk was pushed all the way into my back seat and they said it wasn't safe to drive. He has assumed full liability and his insurance company is completely covering it.

They are paying for our rental car now and we are waiting to hear what the estimate for the repairs is. I am worried because my car, 2004 Dodge Stratus SE is about $7,000 blue book but is right now selling at about $9000 because of good gas mileage. If the car insurance totals the car out and pays blue book, I won't even be able to get equivalent car.

Is the amount the insurance company wants to cut the check for negotiable? Or am I just screwed and this dillweed gets to ruin my life?




  1. The amount the insurance company offers is negotiable but not by much.  You would have to convince them perhaps with written appraisals from experts that your car is worth more than they are offering.  Perhaps a better idea is to use your own insurance company.  You would pay your collision deductible (if any) They will repair or total your car, go after the other driver and their insurance company and when they collect, your deductible will be returned to you.  Often your own insurance company will treat you better than the other insurance company

  2. insurance will write off the car for any damage more than half the value of the blue book of the car. however the also take into account nada value in their calculations

    they will probably also offer compensation for loss of use and any personal damage to your person or passengers...and any hospital costs incurred ...also if you are out of work due to the accident they may attempt to cover that as well

    it may help to retain a lawyer as the insurance will try to low ball you or even get out of any other payments short of replacing the vehicle

  3. they will pay you ACTUAL CASH VALUE of your car if they total it.  cars depreciate and they do it fast.  you may ask for depreciated value if they do not total it  but its hard to get most companies to pay it.  this is the difference of what you could get if you traded it in BEFORE the damage occurred and what they will give you if you trade it in  AFTER the damage is repaired.  in most states you have to disclose damage over a certain amount when you trade a car in.  settlement CAN be negotiated in some cases if its a small amount you are disagreeing on.  talk to the adjuster and be NICE.  they respond to calm people MUCH better than irate ones.

  4. sue him for reckless driving and endangerment you should be getting money back if you do maybe a little bit more to have your car replaced  

  5. Insurance companies generally go off the average of about 20-30 cars in your area. They will find out what these cars are selling for (they do take condition into consideration) and then pay that out. If you don't feel what they are offering you is good enough you have 2 choices. #1-don't accept and try and negotiate. #2-go thru your own insurance company (even though your deductible would apply) and see if they can offer you something better. once you have finished the claim they will work to get your deductible back which normally happens within a few months. good luck!

  6. I've gone through the same thing -- still a bit painful,here is the resource help me a lot.

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