
I was recommended to help with peer mediation at school.

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apparently my school has some kind of program to help mediate conflicts at school. a teacher recommended me to be a mediator. i got this news today in a letter from the school and the person in charge of the program which happens to be a teacher that i hate and im pretty sure hates me for an incident that happened in her class(english..i had a 99 avg in it too) but in my vocab sentences (why we still have to do those anyways idk) i made fun of g*y people (recieved in-school suspension) then a couple days later this kid (kinda my friend) was out and she asked if he was on the art field trip, i said "yah prolly he's g*y like that...jokingly" she got mad threatened to give me ISS, i said "d**n this whole class is g*y"......received more ISS the ISS woman said i was a gaybasher roflmao.

i'll be a senior i've had like a total of like 10 days out of school suspension and tons of ISS. why would they pick me???

should i do it?






  1. Will they pick you, yes, because you have been recommended due to your helpful nature.

    Should you do it? Only if you are going to stop the g*y bashing, to do this type of mediation job you need to be very neutral.

    It's really up to you weather you want to do it, I would say that there are people that are more neutral, and potentially better at mediation.

    Maybe you are going to be the best mediator in the world.

    Just two words; be fair.

  2. they picked you so that you'd learn a fukking lesson dude. don't be a homophobe, but i know your just kidding. your teachers need to take some acid.

  3. Yeah, you ought to, and while you are at it, learn some manners. It isn't alright to "joke" as you call it with anyone random about issues that people take seriously. And be thankful to the teachers who are merely attempting to remedy your folly.

  4. Just watch it with the g*y remarks.  It's generally not a good idea to put groups of people down.  Anyway, all that's in the past now.  Yes, go for the peer medation thing.  It's a good way to learn conflict resolution since that is what the peer mediator is there to do.  Also it teaches the value of listening to both sides of a story withouot you having to take sides yourself.

  5. rofl

    i love how they obsess over "g*y"

    its not like u were cursing them out

    check it out they might cut u some slack l8r on.

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