
I was rhaped yester day!! not kidding...?

by  |  earlier

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i need to know how to tell my parents Dx




  1. Um, yes. I agree with the above.

    Just sit down and TELL THEM.

  2. This is not your fault! I am very sorry this has happened to you. You are very strong and will get though this. You need to tell them so that they can contact the athoraties and they can take action to keep you safe from now on. You will want to tell them as soon as possible so that they can do this. I would sit them down in a very serious manner and tell them someone took advantage of you and assulted you. Tell them everything that you remember as this is very important. Good luck. I am praying for you.

  3. um..say burst it out...

    otherwise youll think too much about it and feel bad.

    so just out with it!

    sorry ;[

  4. Confront your parents in serious way. Tell them that you need to talk to them about something that is very serious. If you have a hard time saying the exact words you used in your question, change it to something like, "yesterday, someone took advantage of me."

  5. just tell them

  6. Tell them and file a police report.  You also need to go to a doctor and get tested for disease.  Look into getting counseling too.


  7. Just say "Mom, Dad I have to talk to you, I swear to God that I am telling the truth I was used" or "I was rapped" in a nice way.  And if they don't believe you, God does and he is on your side.  Now your parents will ask "from who?"  and just tell the truth.

  8. juts sit down and tell them.

    it wasnt your fault.

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