
I was riding when i crashed on a jump i notice it was because the front end went up alot anything i can do??

by  |  earlier

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when i come to the lip of the jump i preload and gun it at the lip and for some reason it still goes up (the jump is kinda small)




  1. Don't jump.

  2. Dab the back brake to push the front down and give her a blip of the throttle to level you out before touching own.

  3. Don't gun it at the lip and don't worry about preloading. Just hit the jump holding the throttle steady, don't let off or blip the throttle at the lip. If this jump tends to send you nose high then you need to adjust your body position differently. As you approach the jump move forward and get your chin over the bars, it is pretty easy to bring the rear down if the nose gets too low by just revving the engine, but brake tapping to bring the nose down is an advanced technique that I would not recommend you trying at this point.  

  4. dont pull up on the bike so much

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