
I was running/jogging earlier and my side hurt so bad that i couldnt breathe. could it be something serious?

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earlier i was jogging/running to my girlfriends house and my girlfriend was on my bike

see when i run or jog or w.e its like im sprinting but i really dont notice i just think im jogging...least thats what my girlfriend says anyways

but at one point

my side the right side to be specific

hurt so freaking bad that i had to stop, i couldnt breathe at all cuz it hurt so bad when i was breathing and i fell on the ground

im one of those stubborn people when it comes to pain...i dont really care about pain, i broke my fibula b4 and stilled walked on it for example even though it hurt like h**l...and ive had many more things lol

but this was like nothing ive ever experienced...ive had alot of pain in my life and nothing has compared to this

i really dont run often..but im fit, i lift weights and **** body can handle alot of stress...and running isnt very stressful to me i can run and run and run and not give a d**n but i dont believe in running when trying to bulk cuz it burns off precious calories that i need...but i didnt want to walk my bike so i ran for once...could this be something serious

or just a one time thing?

i was thinking i had a hernia...cuz about a month or 2 ago i was deadlifting pretty heavy without a belt...and then like when i came up i felt this pain in my right side and i dropped the weight and sat down...felt similar to this and didnt leave for about a week...but this was a h**l of alot worse than that

and it was in the same place to

so yeah

any suggestions?




  1. i play soccer and this happens to me a lot it happens when your being physically active and your body uses up all you calories (eat more calories) because instead of burning calories it burns the fat off your body (its the right side for me too maybe your body just targets that fat source 1st)

  2. It sounds like a really common problem called exercise related transient abdominal pain (ETAP).  In some countries it's known as a stitch or a side cramp.

    It is characterised by an intense stabbing pain in or around the lower edge of the rib cage and is associated with exercise that requires a vertical up and down movement such as running (as you've described)

    It is largely understood that the pain is caused by internal organs pulling down on the diaphragm, such as the kidney and the stomach and is usually felt on the right hand side of the body.

    This link on wikipedia describes exactly what you've mentioned:

    When I was younger and at school, I used to get this a lot when I was cross country training and it would eventually make me puke it was so painful, so I feel your pain fella!


  3. well i have a punching bag and some times my side be hurting like crazy  my doctor told me i was pulling muscles but it didn't get to the point where I can't breathe so your body probably isn't use to it  

  4. That's most likely just a cramp, which can often happen when running, I wouldn't worry about it.  I've had that before when running, and I couldn't really breathe for a while either.  If you want you can get it checked out by a doctor.  By the way, this is my new account, my old one got suspended.

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