
I was scamed from nigeria?

by Guest66907  |  earlier

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i was scammed from someone in nigeria i not afraid fiancially as i closed that accounts from a moneybut they know my name and adress is this dangerous




  1. Not too dangerous, unless they have your other personal information.

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  2. Possibly not from Nigeria but by a Nigerian in the US. I don't trust Nigerians with my do-do. They seem to be natural scammers.  I've tried to do business with them many times, and every time I got caught short. Some people and companies will not do business with them because they will rip you off.

    Keep an eye on your credit reports.  I suggest that you have all your credit card information changed. Ask to change the credit card numbers and deviate your name.  For example use your first and middle initials or drop the middle initial instead of haivng our full name printed on the card.

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