
I was seeing this girl, now things are over, I still wanne be her friend, but she doesn't want to?

by  |  earlier

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We went to college together, had a 3-month long fling. Now that we are back in out home states, she says that she doesn't even wanna keep contact with me. But why not? I like her and knows she likes me, I don't know why we can't be friends.




  1. Walk away from it.

  2. Hey man, it sucks, but you can't force someone to do things they don't want to do. Write her a letter, pouring out your heart, and then get over it.  

  3. Deal and move on she isn't wanting to start up anything.

  4. I have an ex who sound just like you and for months he call trying to talk and see me again.  Let me be the voice for the girl you trying to talk to cause I know what she going through; Get over it! Move on and found another chick.  If she don't want to have any kind of relationship with you, then don't waste your time with her. It not worth sweating over someone who won't acknowledge you.

  5. Leave her alone.

    More women are out there.....

  6. seems like you was a dip for her just something to do just leave her alone even if she came back i would leave  her alone for being so bitchhhyyyyy let her be and deal with it 3months aint no time

  7. To have a good friendly relationship, she has to want it too. If not, it would be very forced and awkward.

  8. live with it. She probably doesnt want anything to start again

  9. She doesn't want to be your friend, because she doesn't want to fall for you again.

    I had a boyfriend that I loved, but he was a d**k and I couldn't be around him anymore.  Whenever I was around him, he lured me back in and then I felt horrible.  So I just said no.  I couldn't be his friend because it hurt to much.

    so it is either that or she just doesn't like you.

  10. she wants to make a clean break.  maybe move forward with your life since she's not interested.

    acceptance helps.

  11. shes trying get over you..

  12. Because she doesn't like you!  Pretty obvious. It was only a few months....move on!

  13. She doesn't want to be. It's really that simple.  Let it go, it's her choice. You may be a really wonderful person, but that has nothing to do with it.  For whatever reason she doesn't want to be friends.

  14. well some people dont want to remain friends with exs especially when they still like them they may feel weird and awkward about it you know but you can try to keep insisting but if she still says no she doesnt for about like the 5-10 times you have asked then stop trying her mind is made up and their is no way to change her mind and just move on with your life  not everyone is the same  

  15. maybe she likes you a lot more than friends and doesn't want to get hurt knowing she cant just be friends with you but that's all you want. Give her time she obviously needs time.  

  16. you think you know she likes you...maybe you are right....maybe not..distance does not always make the heart grow fonder....remember..out of sight ,out of mind....move on

  17. Friends can be lovers but lover can't be friends. Cliche right? cliche, unreasonable, funny...but i live with that..i will really try not to communicate, be friends, give importance to my ex bf. this is my way of saying and assuring my bf that hey "past is past" and so they are not important to me anymore and you are.

  18. It's probably too hard for her. I've dated a guy for about 2 years and now I've been dating someone else for 9 months, and my ex still wants to talk to me but I say no. I'm not saying that one girl has a new person, but maybe she's just trying to move on and not like you anymore because she knows it'll never work out and that's all she wants.

  19. if she doesnt want to, dont force it. friendships are mutual.

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