
I was seeking info on my son who has had a re-circumcision.?

by  |  earlier

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i read several answers and was really interested in robin b, you said your son needed a revision??? im worried for my son he had the whole fat pad thing and actually got penile adhesion, his skin was growing back to itself on his p***s and the doctor did actually pull it back wo my knowledge and my son was 5yrs old-he is now 10 and remembers how painful it was. and we tried what we could to keep it from growing back but it did. so dr suggested a re-circumcision and know it's smaller than concern is he is 10-soon coming into his young manness. he is maybe a inch long and looks like has now shaft, just sutured his body wall skin right behind head of his p***s. we hav seen couple drs they say he will be fine, even a friend that is dr-like his other dad. but he is still very concerned-it just doesnt look right. any help-advice-comments would be great!!!




  1. I don't recommend you get anything done at this stage if it's functioning fine. If he can urinate etc and isn't experiencing pain then I don't think you should do anything down there just because it "doesn't look right". After circumcision, because part has been removed, it doesn't look right! If you leave it alone it will probably get better as he grows, if not then when he is old enough you and him can work out what to do if anything cosmetic needs to be done, and he will understand better. Also re-attaching is usually the area just healing itself and not a concern either. If you take away too much skin now, when his p***s grows it will cause problems.


  2. Just tell him that he is going to be fine.  Tell him it is normal for this to sometimes happen.  And also reassure him that it is not going to hurt cause he is going to be unconscious during this procedure.  Get this done as soon as possible before he has serious problems.  

  3. How sad.     A recircumcision should never be performed.    The nerve damage and additional scarring could render his p***s almost totally insensitive.

    You may want to consider legal action for malpractice, and set the money aside for him when he's older, should he require more surgeries or counseling because of the damage done to him and possibly sexual dysfunction.

    Roughly 10% of circumcisions require additional surgeries to attempt to repair damage from the first one.

    At this point, being concerned about "looking right" is not that important as whether or not he will be able to function sexually as an adult.   That is the most important thing.

  4. that's a common and bad mistake, infants and kids often have long foreskins due to baby fat in the pubic area, some have considerably more and parents get the circumcisions revised

    once the baby fat goes away then that leaves a huge skin deficiency, YOU SHOULD NOT ASSUME IT WILL BE FINE, due to the nature of the part he will most likely not talk about, no matter how painful or ugly it gets

    your not gonna like this but his best hope for having a normal looking p***s would be to do f******n restoration by stretching, this does not mean he has to restore a f******n but the techniques will give him adequate shaft skin for erections and reduce the risk of pulling scrotal and body skin

    to see the effects of this as an adult

    google "botched circumcision"

    second link

    "excessive skin removed" at bottom

    all of his pain will be for an non medically needed genital cutting, it's just sick

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