
I was severly slandered by another school bus driver?

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OK....I discussed an incident where I let some little kids out in front of a school when a funeral procession was taking place a few years back. What was I supposed to do? It was a couple of minutes before school was going to start. I put out the stop sign, but the dumb funeral procession cars kept coming and coming----Finally, the kids took matters into their own hands and started crossing the street to get to school. Like that's my fault?? Anyway...I feel that I was unjustly fired by a nosy driver that reported me. Was I wrong, or was this backstabbing other driver in the wrong??




  1. wow. could have been a few funerals i guess. i think you were wrong.

  2. It is my understanding that traffic is to stop when the lights are flashing,   I am not sure if it being a funeral changes that.      

    Still,  in that the funeral wasn't stopping,  you should have  NOT   allowed the children off the bus or to cross in front of any moving vehicle.   You were stupid,  and not unjustly fired.

  3. if you were a bus driver you would have dropped the kids off in front of school where they did not have to cross the street I don't know what state your in but here in Illinois all kids are dropped of  directly in front of the school and do not have to cross the street

  4. yeah i think you were wrong...sorry but maybe next time you will think

  5. Having been a driver and an operations supervisor for a  School Bus contractor in the past, I want voice my opinion regarding your "incident"....

    If the procession was far enough back when you put on your crossing lights, they should have stopped....If they were close to your bus, you should have waited, out of courtesy before turning on your lights.

    How did the students get into the street if you didn't open the door?  Did you open the door after the funeral procession was already going by past your flashing red lights?  This leaves you 100% liable for any and all outcomes.  

    I have never off-loaded students at a school "across the street".  Every school in the country has a bus loading zone to prevent incidents like the one you discribe from happening.

    Had you been one of my drivers and pulled this stunt, no only would you have been terminated, but criminal charges would have been filed against you for reckless endangerment of a minor and anything else I could get to stick.

    I believe you either have a very active (and warped) imagination, or you are just trying to "stir the pot" of discontent on "Answers".  

    Get a life....

  6. You seem to have some serious issues. I have read some of your other "questions". It must be tough to have had this happen and not be able to see a thing. (You said you were legally blind in your other posting). You need to get a room at the home and give it up.

  7. I'd have fired you too.

    Quit being such a baby...

    Man up and take responsibilty for you mistake.

    You HAD the FUTURE in your hands...

  8. you should have waited for the funeral to pass... that showed poor judgment on you half...

    unless there was any danger to the children caused by your actions the other driver should have kept his mouth shut

    should you have been fired... unlikely... if you have/had a union i would file a grievance... perhaps your actions did deserve some discipline,  like a suspension, or re-training, unless you have had other marks on your record in the past..

  9. In my own humble opinion, this was completely the police's fault.  Why, might you ask.  Well I'll tell you why.  The police generally escort a funeral procession.  Am I right?  Anyways the kids were going to be late for school, so therefore they needed to get there.  Second, you had on your flashing red lights.  Therefore, the police officer in charge of the procession should have stopped allowing the kids to cross.  The kids were in a hurry, the person whom the funeral was for, was already dead, therefore, he was in no hurry to get any where.

  10. It wasn't your fault that some geezer dropped and interrupted your daily routine.

    Have you thought about suing the person who died?

  11. I just saw the similar question you answered, talking about this incidence.  You failed to mention in this question what you said in the answer you gave, which is that one of the kids was hit by a car in the funeral procession and nearly died.

    If you were not sued by the parents of that child in addition to being fired, then you should consider yourself lucky.  If that had been my kid, you'd have had a lawsuit you'd never be able to get out of.

    This shows your disregard for the safety of those kids.  I would rather my kid was a few minutes late than to have her run over by a car.  You were in the wrong, you got what was coming to you, and that's all there is to it.

    "Like that's my fault??"   ---   Yes, you opened the door knowing there was a crossing hazard for the kids, so yes, it IS your fault.

    You should have the common sense and decency to show a little respect to a funeral procession and not even try to interrupt in in the first place.

    God, you people scare me.

  12. You probably should have waited for the funeral procession to go by, and talked to a school administrator so the kids wouldn't be punished for tardiness. The kids could have been killed by the funeral procession! You should feel lucky that none of them were hit!

  13. You were completely wrong because a funeral procession always has the right of way.

  14. Ok if you would of wanted for the funeral session to pass and the kids late you would of been in trouble. I feel you were stabbed in the back, for one thing this wasn't his job and it was yours and you did what you were paid to do. As long as you feel you did the right thing anyways for the kids then there is no way you did wrong.

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