
I was sexually harassed by a guy who lives in the same complex then me.Landlord won't do anything.Now what?

by  |  earlier

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The guy has done this before to other females.Not at the same complex. Landlord blames me.




  1. why dont you go to the police and tell them what this guy has done.

  2. It depends on the situation.  If he said something lewd or off-color there is nothing you can do.  If he threatened you in a direct way such as "have s*x with me or I'll (insert illegal act here)" then you can file charges against him for threatening you.  If he used his hands to touch you in any unwelcomed way he is guilty of sexual assault and you should file charges against him.  Both of those acts are felonies in most states.  However once again if it was just something he said and he wasnt directly threatening you then theres nothing you can do.  

  3. Call the police and then the news. Hopefully, you're not lying about the sexual harassment first though.

  4. why in the helll would you even bother saying anything to a landlord in the first place? He doesnt uphold the law, and frankly i doubt he gives a c**p about it, why would he? all he wants is a check each month. DUH!

      Call the cops, or stop wearing short shorts and letting your b***s hang out.

  5. 911..just maybe??

  6. Grow up and laugh it off or start wearing a Burka.  Why on earth would your landlord want to start holding your hand?

  7. How about you file a report with the police so they know and get a restraining order, that way if he gets close to you again they know you complained about this offense previously and have something to go on when he gets close to you again. DUH!

  8. Police

  9. Call the police and report him. You also might want to talk with other women that he has harassed, and see if they would be willing to report the guy as well.

  10. You need to go to the local police and report him!  You should also look into getting a restraining order on him so he can't harrass you anymore.  

  11. Restraining order.

  12. The lanlord does not want to get involved because it doesn;t concern him, it's not like you went to best buy and a employee fondled you. You need to #1 MOVE OUT! #2 Go to the cops and lucky for you, you have witnesses, so gather up all the girls and go together to the cops and arrest this creepy man!

  13. Go to the police, it will only get worse if you don't.  Personally I would go to the police and then move and have an unlisted phone number.  I wouldn't take any chances.  

  14. Make a police report. You need this to back it up. Then get a restraining order. Also are there any other women be harassed in the complex? If so go to the land lord with this and write up a potion. If this doesn't work go above him to the corp who run the complex are the owners. Demand he be forced to move are you will start legal action..

  15. Your landlord has no authority to do anything with out legal proof, he could get sued for defamation of character unless he has proof. It is up to you to file a complaint against the culprit with the police department. If you already have what was the out come of the police investigation?  

  16. get a restraining order, and leave.

  17. Seek legal counsel.

  18. call the cops press charges and get a restraining order. also when you tell the police about what happened make sure to mention ur landlord blaming you.

    good luck :)

  19. file a complaint with the police!  then when he does it to you or others, there is a record.

  20. uh-huh and what did he do - look at you the wrong way?

  21. 311

    not 911

    and your landlord can't even do anything

  22. the landlord? Call the police

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