
I was sick and now my baby is?

by  |  earlier

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I had this flu virus thing where I was throwing up for almost 24 hours, and (sorry to be gross) and had diahrea. I couldnt eat or drink anything, it was aweful! My mom came by and helped me with the baby while I was sick, but she took off this morning so I had to watch her myself.

Now my 2 month old daughter had 6 BM already today, they are the same color, but now I am worried that she has the same thing I had. (It started off as a sore throat)

Her temp. is 99.2, which is pretty good, but I am just worried, is there any suggestions?

She doesnt seem to be really in pain, she is a little more fussy then normal but not much.

Please any suggestions would be great!!

she is formula feed, so far eating normally.




  1. I think you should take he to a doctor.

    This is like a mini mystery.

  2. just continue to watch over her...if you are worried about her getting dyhrirated, give her water or pedialite.  if she still seems alert and what not she is fine.  if she starts getting worse take her to the doc in the morning.

  3. my whole house is sick right now. my husband our 3 year old son, and just a few hours ago my 2 month old daughter. she usally poops a lot, since birth has pooped more than usual but doc says its fine cause she is a chunky one. but anyways, do not give her water or pedilyte (?) without doc's permission. it can water down her blood, and that would be worse. she is only 2 months of age, and you shouldnt be giving a baby water until 6 mos old. well with daughter she has a runny nose, more fussy, and has a little cough. no fever. she has gotten sick just last month from her brother. and the doc just said to keep an eye on her, cause antibiotics wont help a cold, and they are just to little for over the counter meds, unless doctor says. it went away in 3-4 days. so im doing the same this time around. i have the humidifier on, and she is going to sleep in her bouncer so she stay  upright, so her nose doesnt get that clogged up. and if it gets worse or a fever comes ill take her to the er. i know being your 1st baby you get easly worried about them being sick and want to take them to the doc for everything.. i was the same way. with my second i have experiences on ho wto handle a sick baby. iand i for one have to get use to it, cause my oldest goes to head start and im sure will bring something home with him from now and then. hope she gets better soon!

    had my daughter on june 15:)

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