
I was sitting down with my hamster on my lap then blood splirted onto my arm (it might have been from her nose

by  |  earlier

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or soemthign else)

i am so scared

(lol i have so many queries about my hamster)




  1. do you know where it came from?

  2. try and see where the blood came from ... and the you should probably go and get her checked out by the vet in case she/he is badly injured or hurt

  3. Vet help depends on how the blood came from the body, a nose bleed can mean head injury and would need a vet. Anal area, most likely a 'period'. From another part, most likely like another poster stated a normal cut, if so, soak in salty luke warm water daily to fight of any infections. Clean the wound daily, if it's still bad, or no sign of healing take to the vet

    Correct, they don't have 'periods' of the same way as humans, but they can still pass blood anyways. On second thought, has any attempt to breed her been made?, as she could of aborted.

    I <3 nick jonas, totally un-correct, yes female beings have that type of 'period' but hamsters are completely different, usaully only passing eggs, but not in blood form and last up to 10mins top. But blood sometimes can happen.

  4. I would take her to the vet.

    Possibly a nosebleed, but it could be something more serious.

    Others have said it was her menstrual period, but that is not correct. Hamsters don't have periods the way that humans do, and she would not have bled.

  5. uhhh yeah you should take her to your vet!

  6. Well First of  all Im assuming your hamster is a female, correct? Well uh I would think you would know this but once a month female humans and mammals [[ your hamster ]] get a visit from a special friend, sound farmiliar yet? They get whats called their menstrual cycle or their period, it lasts forabout 5-7 days and it's when blood ejects from the v****a.

  7. Hamsters get periods every 4 days for 4 hours so it could be that as my hamster gets it and sometimes when she sit on my hand i get some on my hand. But it never usually splirts out so take her to the vet if you're worried and looK at her for possible blood stained areas where it could have come from. Hope she's ok

  8. take it to the vet as soon as possible your hamster may have a broken nose

  9. Take her to the vet for an examination.

  10. check your hamster all around and see if there's any blood or anything anywhere. nose, mouth, pas, tail, anything and everthing. all mammals have periods, and since yours is a girl, you could have picked her up during that time. also jeck her cage for any sharp toys or wires (if you have a wire cage) that she might have cut herself on.

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