
I was sitting on the toilet in the company restroom and overheard a group of people ragging on me, what to do?

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I was peacefully sitting on the toilet at the company restroom, and four mangers come in and were talking about me. They went on and on about how much of an idiot I was and said they wished I would get fired. (They did not know I was sitting on the toilet and could hear their every word.)

What would you do about this? Should I tell them I overheard them. Or ignore them?




  1. It does seem that they have it in for you for whatever reason.  I don't think they can fire you unless they have a valid reason and they have actually talked to you about a situation and informed you that you could be fired.  Just ignore them and do your job or try to find something else.  

    It seems like you will do better in a place where they are more professional.  They should never talk about anyone while in the bathroom, it's not a conference room.

  2. You should consider their commentary; if true fix it, if not f**k it.

    Do not go to HR.  They could really care less about you (I found that out as a top performer).  HR is just there to have boring seminars and f**k up your benefits.  They may even write down what you report to hold against you.

    Treat those stank managers sweet as pie.

    Go on yahoo jobs/careerbuilder/monster and apply for a minimum of 10 jobs per night.

  3. I would not ignore it - thats mean, rude and very unprofessional - if you can remember exactly what was said, definitely bring it to someones attention...

  4. If it was simply things of a personal nature -your looks, clothing, etc I would keep it in mind and just know to keep my distance from such people.  However because they talked of getting you fired and they are in a position to supervise you this is a serious matter.  You need to go to your HR department and go on record about what you heard.  There is a group mentality working here and they have in effect begun to discriminate against you.  You may not be aware of it but it will affect you the longer you work there.  Think about it. If you want to changed your schedule and someone else does too, they may give the other preferential treatment because they do not like you.  If there is a position that opens up that you apply for (promotion), you may not get it based on their opinion.  If your raise is based on your employee review and these people are the ones giving your review needless to say you may not get that raise or not as much as someone they do not dislike.  If you do not plan on taking any action find a new job or make sure that you are not under their supervision and that someone in a position as high as them knows whats going on and can protect you.  Best of luck.

  5. Yes, Tell them...and while your at it...ask for a raise. You need to charge them extra for insulting you.

    Best Wishes.

  6. Say nothing, now you know.

  7. I wouldn't just ignore it.  They may be looking to get you fired, which then you would obviously lose your job.

    Or you can approach them about it, embarrasing them, but asking them for tips on how you can improve.

    Or just look for a new job.

  8. Well...depends on whether or not their complaints were valid.  If you're good at what you do and your boss thinks so too, I'd tell them I heard them...but, if things they said were somewhat on the truthful side - maybe keeping quiet and looking for work elsewhere wouldn't be such a bad idea.

    Good luck!

  9. I would immediately go to HR and report this; it is abuse and harassment and it is illegal. Do not approach them yourself, let HR handle it and if they do not give you satisfaction, talk to an attorney.

  10. Personally, I think this is made up but I'll bite anyways.

    Just pretend that you didn't hear it and kick up your level of commitment to your job and see how they react.  This means getting to work early, leaving late, submitting status reports early, getting tasks done ahead of schedule, and be extra friendly to the 4 managers.  

    I think it would be a fun challenge if you ask me.

  11. Use it as motivation for your job, aim to prove them wrong and get their jobs! Unless it's true in which case keep quiet and start job hunting

  12. OUCH - 4 managers baggin on you?

    Is any of it true?

    If so - I'd keep quiet...

    If not, I'd out them

  13. I agree with what Hosey said.

  14. Do you have a HR person you can talk to about this?

    They may be able to offer advice based on the company you are working in.

    Personally, I would'nt talk to them about it. Definitely don't imitate their puerile behaviour. Try to rise above it. You are better than them. Don't sink to their level.

    People can say very mean things about others, but it doesn't mean that they're true.

    Otherwise, if you feel you must say something, do it privately, ask them for their reasons- if you have been doing something wrong, the best way to fix it is to find out whatswrong and how to do better.

    If you are unhappy in your job and have to have regular contact with these people, maybe a search for another job may be in order.

    They can't actually get you fired just because they think you are an idiot unless they can prove incompetence. If they tried to fire you because of personal dislike, you would have grounds for unfair dismissal.

    Good Luck, follow your instincts.


  15. You should have dropped a bomb.

  16. Wow.

    I would most likely use that as a cue that you need to either:

    A) Get the h**l out of there, and find a job where people show you some respect.

    B) Shape up because your work is substandard (not saying it is, but you might want to take this into consideration).

    C) Stick around (if you know you are doing a good job) - because now you know who the a**holes are, so you can take every opportunity to make those jerkoffs look like the idiots they are.

    I'm fortunate to work in an environment where people are brutally honest, but where hard work never goes unnoticed - yesterday I actually heard my boss defending my design work (against comments made by a city ordinance enforcer), and the senior project manager agreeing with it.

    People will come to me when they have a new project start and ask 'are you doing this one?' - and if I am, they will literally let out a sigh of relief.

    I know there are some people here that probably talk sh** behind my back - like I said, half the battle is knowing who they are.  And in your case - now you do.

    Good Luck!

  17. wow.  whatta ego-buster!  I'd LOVE for that to happen with me--I'da busted outta that stall & shown them just how big of an idiot I can be!

    Are you sure they didn't know you were there?  Maybe they WANTED you to hear them!?  Anyway, there's not a lot you can do.  Confront them or  don't.  

    Guideline:  A) If you ARE an idiot, prolly best to shut your piehole.   B.  If you're a stellar employee, take it as a wake-up call that they've got it in for you.

  18. Let them know in some way you heard them.  Do no go to HR.  If this gets back to the people, they make your life miserable.  HR is not there to help you, they are there to look out for the company.

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