
I was sleepwalking? Or possessed?

by  |  earlier

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It was so weird. It was around the middle of the night, and I couldn't sleep. Moments later (I didn't know when), I felt myself in a sleeping state, but not exactly. I find myself with my eyes wide open, scanning the room from right to left as I was laying on bed. I couldn't breath, and couldn't move. I struggled for like 5 seconds until I find myself blink and myself conscious, but headachy. I was breathing really hard...What did happen? Was I sleep walking or something?

Another time, it was during 7 or 8pm at night. I was getting ready for dinner, just setting dishes around. When I turned around, I caught a dark shadow, it dashed towards my bedroom. I went to the bedroom, and turned on the light to see if it was my little sister. No one was in there...Phantom?

First experience was 5, then 15. I stopped seeing them around 16. I had a feeling it stopped because I went to church for the first time around 16? Lol...

What do you think?




  1. a very normal hallucination. i had a similar one when i was your age. i was sleeping out on a terrace as it was hot. it was near a rice mill. because of load shedding, the mill worked at night. i had a sheet on me to cover me. i was sound asleep, when i was gradually emerging into consciousness. something soft was embracing me. there was a sweet fragrance around. i was frightened, though pleasantly. then i got fully awake and found that they were boiling rice before milling it in the rice mill, and it was that smell that spread around. the wind had started, and my bed sheet was flapping on top of me. the discovery disappointed me, but well, it is folly to be wise when ignorance is bliss!!!

  2. I know what this is like.  Its actually a disorder called "Night Terrors" I have them.....

    Some people get them pretty bad.

    Google it, there is a website with a forum dedicated to the problem and when you read the other people's experiences you'll be surprised how close they sound to your own.

    Only 2% of people contunue to have night terrors into adulthood so it isnt something really well known yet.  But believe me, that seriously could be it.  Mine come and go in waves, Ill have it for a week straight, then not again for a year, or a month or one night out of the blue, its strange.

    As far as the thing that was at 7 or 8 PM.....maybe that WAS paranormal.  I believe in ghosts and spirits, but I treat my own experiences with as much skeptism as I do anyone elses.  But for me I know the difference between the two. What I have in the middle of the night is not ghosts, even if Im inclined to be sensitive to those types of things.  It has to be seperated.

  3. Sleep paralysis is common, and it makes you feel like if you're in some kind of astral projection state.

    Shadow spirits are weird, you could have seen a trick of the light. If you haven't seen the shadow again then it wasn't a phantom.

  4. sleep paralysis.

    Sleep paralysis consists of a period of inability to perform voluntary movements either at sleep onset (called hypnogogic or predormital form) or upon awakening (called hypnopompic or postdormtal form).

    Sleep paralysis may also be referred to as isolated sleep paralysis, familial sleep paralysis, hynogogic or hypnopompic paralysis, predormital or postdormital paralysis

    What are the symptoms?

    A complaint of inability to move the trunk or limbs at sleep onset or upon awakening

    Presence of brief episodes of partial or complete skeletal muscle paralysis

    Episodes can be associated with hypnagogic hallucinations or dream-like mentation (act or use of the brain)

    Polysomnography (a sleep recording) shows at least one of the following:

    suppression of skeletal muscle tone

    a sleep onset REM period

    dissociated REM sleep

  5. try taking a mental test


  7. prob. just

  8. Well, it couldn't be some kind of paranormal thing. I don't believe that. Maybe it was your imagination. Maybe if you watch some documentaries on ghosts or something, then it might help learn more about these events.

  9. Only you what you felt that night.

    Just try to remember if there were any mirrors in your room when this happened.

    Sometimes mirrors create ambient light from a light source in the room and when you walk in front or through the path of the reflection your shadow will be seen but moving at different speed than your body because of the variables that create angles of light.

    Hope that shed some light...

    Moo hoo ha ha (kidding)

    The sleeping thing is normal. It happens to most people at one time or another. There is a part of the brain that shuts down voluntary movements when you sleep for various reasons. Sometimes the brain sends the wrong information due to dreams of thoughts your are processing and storing to long and short term memory. The conscious needs to move but subconscious is not listening.... ZZzzzzz

    Remembering the experience adds to cool factor.

    It's just my opinion.

  10. wait wait.... ive seen that movie too...

  11. It must of have been astral catalepsy.

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