
I was sort of traumatized and am extremely insecure, but I like this girl. What can I do?

by  |  earlier

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6th grade, presentation in AP class, messed up, nothing's been the same. 6 years later, I am still suffering from the effects and the taunts.




  1. whatever happened back then, it's history. dun let it rule you.

    you worry this girl think that you sucks?

    but how can you be sure of it? try to find out what is her impression or feeling for you.

    you might be suprise that it could be mutual...

  2. I bet you have heard it all before , get over it , who cares what they think , 'Grow Up' !

      'Your Integrity is judged'.No one else.Find a strength.I had a friend who never told anyone that he was the state RC champion because he thought he would be ridiculed.......we envied him .I am not a religious man but your strength is in your soul , it is yours to harness .

    Take a deep breath , take control of your life .


  3. I understand.  Those things can really be traumatizing :/

    If someone is really immature enough to taunt you about something that happened in sixth grade, laugh it off.  That was a while ago.  In the past six years, you've grown more mature and your personality has developed.  Whatever you do, don't take it to heart.  Everyone makes mistakes.  I know that's a complete cliche, but it's very true.

    You didn't describe the situation with the girl you like, but go on and ask her out.  Ask her to a movie or just to hang out at the mall. If she doesn't say yes, smile and shrug it off.  If she says yes, awesome :]

  4. When I can identify an emotional phenomenon to this extent, I like to "package" and name it neatly. For example, I named one of my own which sounds similar to this as "social anxiety." In myself, it grew a nasty tendency to reject people before they had a chance to reject me. By packaging it neatly, I was able to learn how to recognize when it was messing with my life, know it without getting lost in it and set it aside long enough to start dealing with present realities and growing new and improved ways to socialize.

    Good luck. Hope you are able to learn to let go.

  5. So?  You messed up.  Who hasn't?  Learn from your mistakes and move forward. Dwelling in the past leaves you stuck in time at that instant and gets you no where.  

    Forgive yourself; move on.

  6. Perhaps you should see a counselor.

  7. ... what does this have to do with a girl?

  8. Dude get over it. Your not a sixth grader anymore. Jesus I knew a kid who s*it his pants in second grade and the story followed him to hs. He still asked out girls and had lots of friends even though something so embarassing happened to him. Dont worry about it. Even if it was a big deal to you that odesnt mean everyone else is still laughing about it.

  9. Let it go. In a year you wont even see those people ever again. They dont care about you. So dont care about them.

  10. what does that have to do with the girl?

    anyway lol

    i think you should just try to become her friend before you do anything else its so much better that way :P

  11. i dont get this can affect you with a girl but if it does then just try and build up your confidence by talking to her about stuff before you ask her out..and i think maybe you need to try and get over the whole presantation thing your probably the only one that actually remembers it.

  12. get over it, you only live once, and if you DONT get over it, you'll have regrets for the rest of your life.

    Sit down and examine what you want out of life. No regrets. Just do it, give everything all you've got, and you'll always know you did the best you could have done in that circumstance, and you'll be happy with that.

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