I had a shopping cart full of items and I was standing waiting at the check out line with a few people ahead of me. Then, some guy comes up behind me and he's carrying one of the 24 packs of water bottles. The cashier is taking a while, so the guy behind me decides to rest his pack of 24 water bottles on the handle of my cart (I was standing to the side of the cart). I felt this to be a bit rude on his part. I realize he may have been getting tired and wanted to rest his arms, but I think that what he did was a trespass against me as he didn't even ask if it would be okay. I let him rest it on there for a bit longer, then as the line was moving forward I reclaimed the handle and pushed the cart ahead.
Do you think he was rude to do this? (He was not an old man - he was very well capable of carrying that weight) Any thoughts? Am I overreacting? Or did I do the right thing by not allowing myself to be pushed around?