
I was stung by a wasp on monday on my finger. my hand is very swollen and itches like crazy is this normal?

by Guest60889  |  earlier

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I was stung by a wasp on monday on my finger. my hand is very swollen and itches like crazy is this normal?




  1. It means you are slightly allergic to wasp stings. That happened to me. I ended up with a prescription for antihistamines. I understand that over the counter Benadryl will help that.  

  2. a wasp sting is acidic so try vinegar. Or just buy some cream from a shop.  


  4. depends on the wasp type but it maybe a personal reaction between it and you.

    ask a doctor of course.

  5. Wasp stings are pretty bad, but you may also be having an allergic reaction.

    Put a topical antibiotic ointment on the sting, and take over the counter antihistamines. If you don't feel better in a day or two, see a doctor.

  6. I have been keeping honey bees for several years now and i feel pretty confident about answering this one. Some form of benidryl or antihistamine will help with the itching and possibly the swelling if taken soon after the sting. You will receive lots of input about things like meat tenderizer, tobacco,baking soda an other topical treatments. they are all just wives tales. I have tried and none seam to work. the venom of a wasp is different than that of a honey bee. a honey bees venom is an irritant used to defend the hive while a wasps venom is used to kill its prey. My best advice is to not rub or scratch and let it run its course. it is normal for it to be sore for a coupel of days

    I have had stings itch and be sore for as little as a few minuts or as long as a weak

  7. that means the stinger might still be in the wound  you need to go get it taken out ...

  8. You may have a minor allergic reaction so i would clean it up with some antiseptic and if it hasn't cleared up pretty soon, go to the doctor.

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