
I was taking care of my neighbor's cat, and he died, help?

by Guest66809  |  earlier

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My best friend and ex neighbor moved out and couldn't take his cat, so he left me in charge of him. I have a kitten and she was not supportive of another cat entering her house, but I kept him, because I love my best friend and his cat.

He lived with me for six days, got severely depressed, and died in my house yesterday when i came home from work.

My best friend, Leo, has already been notified, he cried so hard on the phone, which i completely understood, I cried on the phone with him, and explained everything and he cut me off and said "I have to talk to you later" and hung up.

I balled my eyes out.

What can I do or say to him?

Should I initiate contact?

I feel so guilty.

Help, please.




  1. Coolpanda is VERY wrong!

    Even gross negligence won't usually kill a cat in six days, so caring for a good friend's animal like your own certainly won't.

    Like another said: The cat may have had a pre-existing condition and the stress of change and uncertainty (feelings of "abandonment" leading to depression) could have exacerbated it to the point of finality.

    Feel saddened, but don't feel guilty unless you know you actually abused the cat. Even though it was under your care, if the cat was allowed to go outside, then obviously there are many reasons that could have led to its demise.

    Had your friend truly cared about his pet, he would have made arrangements to keep his cat with him and find a suitable home for both of them.

    Leaving your pet behind because of a move is just an excuse for a lack of dedication and sense of long term responsibility to your "beloved companion". Too many people successfully relocate and even see their animals safely through disasters without dumping them on others or leaving them behind.

    HE should be feeling guilty for not safeguarding his pet and planning ahead accordingly... not you! He has suffered a loss, so give him space to sort it out, but don't beat yourself up for what happened... and don't let anyone else either.

    People forget, a pet is a minimum of a 10 year commitment... some last longer than a childhood!

    Review your life plan and think hard before you accept an animal into your reality. Don't be selfish about how you affect another life... if you take control, then dedicate to it! Pets are not meant to be toys, to be had on a whim, and trashed at will... they are sentient creatures with feelings and needs.

    Please RESPECT and PROTECT them, or stay away!

  2. you shold just give him some time. hes just upset. if your so close to him he wont blame you.

  3. I can see why they were mad with you, if there was no medical reasons for the cats death, then it would seem that it was your fault.

    I would suggest that you apologize again, and explain that you would never do anything to intentionally hurt them, and that you feel so bad, and that you shouldn't have been so stupid (you have to be negative about yourself).

    Ask them if there is anyway you can repay them (maybe offer some money towards a new cat if they want one).

    Good luck!

  4. its not your fault the cat was missing its owner and was depressed or maybe even ill your werent to know. your friend jus needs alone time  

  5. I can' imagine cat depression was the problem.  There was probably an ongoing illness and the stress from being seperated was too much.. I'd give your friend time to call you, if a week goes by w/ no contact you should contact him.  Don't wanna lose a friendship over something beyond your control

  6. wow....

    that's so sad!

    i'm sorry.

    i'd say give him some time then maybe try to see him in person.

    when he sees how upset you are about it he'll understand

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