
I was taking drivers ed today and i was learning how to parallel park. The thing is....?

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He wouldn't let me use my side mirrors. But when i use my side mirrors i can park much better. He also wouldnt let me use my mirrors when i was driving in the street or backing up! He said that when i take my road test i wouldnt be able to use the side mirrors. Is this true? And do you think what he did was right?




  1. Get your money back and find another instructor...Then report him to the state motor vehicle dept...If you don't use your mirrors, you will fail...You have to use all 3 mirrors as well as turn in your seat to look behind you when backing up...The mirrors are not decorations...You are correct.

    All the best.

  2. I believe that your Instructor was encouraging you to use your eyes rather than just using your mirrors. On your road test you will be penalized for using just your mirrors when reversing.

    Parallel parking is a manoeuver used in the Driver's Test to test your ability to judge and steer properly in reverse.

    When you are finishing up your parallel park, you can glance in the right side mirror for a second or two to ensure you are parked straight along the curb. You have all those windows which allow you to see to the rear. That's why cars are manufactured that way.

    Most of your vision when backing up should be to the rear, and not using your mirrors.....if you were taking a Class 1 (semi driver's) test, then you'd be expected to use side mirrors.

  3. Your Instructor is a r****d!!!  Of course you can use you mirrors....thats what they are there by law.  How are you supposed to see the curb without using your mirror?


  4. You should be able to use your mirrors if you wish. There is nothing wrong with that. I personally look behind me. I can't reverse and look forwards, it feels weired because I'm not looking in the direction I'm going in.

  5. Absolutely. When backing up and parking, you are supposed to swing one arm over the back of the passenger seat and turn your head around. This gives you a better view of areas not covered by the mirrors.

    Likewise when driving forward. You can certainly glance in the side mirrors to get an idea of what's around you, but when it's time to change lanes, you have to look over your shoulder and check your blind spot. If you don't do it right on your test, they will fail you instantly.

  6. Well really he was right and you should be able to parallel park without using your mirrors........

    Use your turn signal to indicate the direction of the parking spot.

    If the space is not yet vacant but the car in it is about to leave, wait behind the spot.

    When the space is vacant, pull ahead of it until you have pulled up beside the car parked in front of the space. Your rear bumper should be even with that car's rear bumper with about 2 feet of road between you.

    Put the car in reverse. Begin to back up slowly; as soon as the car starts moving, turn the wheel as far as it will go toward the curb.

    Back slowly into the space.

    When the back of your car's front door is even with the rear bumper of the car beside you, begin turning the wheel away from the curb.

    Continue turning the wheel away from the curb and backing slowly into the space.

    Straighten out the wheel, then pull forward or back in the space as needed to center yourself between the cars in front of and behind you. Your car should be 6 to 8 inches from the curb when you are parked.

  7. He's full of ****.  Use your mirrors.  Adjust your passenger side mirror in and down if you so wish to do so.  The driving test will allow you to use your mirrors.  Ask for some of your money back from the company that gave you the driving instructor also.

  8. he is right about the test . When backing up put your right arm up and turn around ... but when driving forward down the street  you should always be checking your mirrors. After you pass the test , figure out the safest way to park for yourself .

  9. The side mirrors are used when making a lane change especially.Then you can check if there is another car in the lane you want to enter. Is always a good idea,after looking in the side mirrors,to also turn and look to be sure.In many cars there are "blind" spots.A car could be next to you in one of these spots and you would not see it in the mirror.I learned this from a Near mishap.Good luck.Practice,practice,practice.And try to relax.Don't try to take command of the car.Just guide it along with gentle moves.

  10. Although you are supposed to turn your head and look behind you, you also need to check both side mirrors before reversing the car. Not only will the instructor look for this, it is just a good habit. You can NEVER see too well when backing up. Your instructor is giving you the means to pass the test in your state. That is minimum driving skills. Try to be the best you can be. Never cause another driver to take an evasive action or brake for your maneuvers. People who do this often think they are very good drivers, but they are not. Awareness of other cars makes the best drivers.

  11. Thats RUBBISH. you should use your mirrors because that's what they are there for. Any decent driving instructor will hammer home the idea of "Mirror Signal Manoever" regardless of whether its forward, turning or reverse parking. Using the kerbside mirror also helps to pevent wheels scraping the kerb, and helps to judge distance.....I don't know WHAT he's on about.

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