
I was talking to my ex's baby daddy.. about the gender bc i just found out im having a baby girl?

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my ex threatened to kill my unborn baby i have police reports saying i cant have any contact with him and he cant come near me. so his friends go hey caitlin whats the gender (on facebook) so i write on their wall its a baby girl and i will be naming her ashlin. AND MY EX COMMENTS and says why are you talking to CAITLIN MAURY. my name is caitlin may. you know that show maury? where the teens dont know who the father is and stuff.. well thats what hes calling me and his friends are like hes just being an a*****e ignore him.. but im like ew hes really mean. hes basically making fun of me. im getting really mad at him. should i message him on facebook being like whats your deal even though i have no contact with him? should i comment above his comment? he's really pissing me off




  1. Facebook? Come on you need to kick the drama there won't be any time for that once the baby is born.

  2. you should not have any contact with him or his friends. you need to grow up A LOT....and very are about to have a baby.

    actually saying have NO contact is answering your you shouldn't say anything.

  3. me, ignoring him will hurt him more. he says those things because he wants a reaction from you, so dont give him one. plus if the cops said not to have contact with him and you do that will look bad on your part.  

  4. wow! You really do need to grow up a lot. No matter who you are talking about. I'm sorry, but facebook shouldn't be your top priority right now!

    Congrats on the baby girl... try to think of her and not whoever your talking about.  

  5. U have more drama than a lil bit. 100% unnecessary and avoidable.

    Unplug the computer worry about school work and your baby. Seriously...these lil drama sessions are utterly ridiculous...

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