
I was talking with my bro and i was asking do mental retarded people some times where weighted vests?

by  |  earlier

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this is not to be mean im just askin




  1. That's usually an autism thing as it gives stimulus input.

  2. Actually, it wouldn't necessarily be mentally retarded people, in fact it would be more likely to benefit people on the autism spectrum or even people with severe ADD/ADHD. People with autistic disorders and sensory disorders are comforted by the weighted vests. Some people are comforted by heavy blankets as well.

    If you think of how you, as a normally functioning member of society, know where you are in the world in relation to the ground and how not knowing this might rattle you a bit you might understand a bit better. A weighted vest is a non-verbal cue to the wearer saying , this is where you are and you are safe and secure. Asking questions isn't mean, it is wonderful. Knowing people differ from us and still are a part of our community is wonderful as well.

  3. They may do as a sensory thing.

    If they have other disabilities or for safety reasons they may wear a vest which is a restraint when they're in a vehicle such as the one in the link

  4. As others here have said, it is generally autistic people who WEAR weighted vests, and then only a very small percentage of them.

    With regard to your post, please, oh please couldn't you use capitalization and punctuation and proofread for spelling? Is that too much to ask?

    Speaking of autistic people, I personally care for an autistic teen girl, and she has many limitations, such as that while she is doing pre-algebra math-wise, and she can learn and play many video games (probably much better than I ever could, despite my having an overall IQ at least one and a half times hers!), and she can play the piano, and she can easily remember people's ages and dates of birth, she cannot (yet) speak in basic grammatical sentences, and she cannot (yet) answer basic 2nd-grade-level reading comprehension questions, and yet, *even she* can use proper capitalization and punctuation, so this, my friend, tells me that so can you.


  5. Only as often as normally-functioning people wear weighted vests.

    Why would they do that?  What is it that made the conversation drift to such an odd topic?

  6. First thing that I have to tell you is that using the term, ``mentally retarded, `` is not acceptable in this day and age. I am not reprimanding you, but I am offering some more favorable terms..... specail needs,  mentally challenged, specially gifted, gods children. When I use a term, the most important thing to remember is the tone you use.. be very careful not use a derogatory or demeaning tone.. to get to your question, a lot of people challenged under the umbella of Aspergers, do use weighted vests, or weighted ``snakes`` ( a kind of stuffed toy but very heavy) with this particular ``snake`` it is to be used when throwing or swinging objects is not an issue. The issues of weight for these wonderful people, is similar to the blanket, thumb sucking, etc... it gives the people a feeling of comfort.  

    I must reaffirm that I did not think that you were mean in using that term but some people would. Spending time with the person on their level with an open mind, you will be able to discover what helps them cope.. My answer comes from over 25 years experience, both personally and professionally. I am not trying to push my beliefs on anyone but to offer my experiences to you.. My interest has always been for the people with the specific problems....not trying to outdo someone elses ideas... I will say in ending my speel, that I love and appreciate these special people that have been loaned to us by the Superior being.. Take care

  7. my son has autism, they do it for sensory or to give them a sense of their space. Its not a mean question, you're curious so ask away, my son is high functioning, he DIDNT like the vest

  8. From your problems with grammar and spelling, I would say you could probably just look in your closet.

  9. A lot of people on the autistic spectrum have severe sensory issues. They often find the sensation of clothes rubbing against their skin extremely irritating. They very often have clothes that have weights sewn into them to cut down on the feeling of the clothes moving about against their skin.

  10. Sometimes people with autism wear weighted vests.  Some of them find the weight of the vests calms them and helps them focus.

  11. Persons with Mental Retardation do not wear weighted vests.

    Persons that is on the Autism Spectrum Range do wear weighted vests. It helps to calm them down if they get overstimulated.

  12. Weighted vests do not have to do with mental retardation, nor specifically with autism. They are for people who have sensory processing disorder (which is common in people with autism, but certainly not limited to people with autism)

    I have a daughter with severe to moderate autism, and her IQ is 120. You can't tell because her ability to communicate is so diminished. Please don't judge someone's intelligence based on appearance. She's come home weeping from the mall because some teen girls were making fun of her. She knows exactly what's going on and it hurts.

  13. because they are a michael

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