
I was think about getting a pokemon on my upper back?

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  1. If it's what you want, it's a great thing.  Unless it's done poorly... then it doesn't matter what the tattoo is supposed to be.

    There's nothing wrong with getting a Pokemon...  I'm half considering getting Charizard, myself.  He's been my fave since the beginning (and I'm 27 now).

  2. i think thats awsome!

  3. dont evryone will think your an overgrown kid or just a saddo

  4. umm

    what n


    every tatt u get should have meaning to you not jus kuz its kool to u

  5. there's people that are decked out in barney tattoo's

    i don't see why you shouldn't get something that's meaningful to you

    even if it is a pokemon.

    ....pick squirtle. XD

  6. i think that'll be pretty funny and childish

    but at the same time cool :]

    get tokepi !

    that egg thingy that the orange head girl carries around !

    its so cute :]

  7. who the h**l does that lol..

    get a jigglypuff on your @ss

  8. I think its pretty d**n cool xD,

    however, it's not up to us-- if you have to ask us what tattoo you think you should get then you obviously aren't ready to get one. You have to remember that this will be with you for the rest of your life unless you get it removed, which is painful and expensive.

  9. you have to remember a tattoo is something that will be with you forever and if you are willing to have a Pokemon that long then go for it As long as it has meaning to you then why not

  10. Well personally i think thats a great idea.  

    I was considering putting charzard on my uppler left shoulder, with flame coming out of his mouth.  Seriously..

    You should try like wigglytuff, its the cutest one.  La duh..

    heres the link.. Wigglytuff is number 40

    Good Luck

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  11. I dare you to get Jigglypuff.

  12. Aren't pokemon for kids? Do you really want to be with the love of your life at 25 or older and have her see a pokemon on your back??

  13. Bahaha I remember when my brother watched that when he was like, 6 years old lol

    I dare you to get Pichu

  14. um if you can find fountain of youth!

  15. like a tattoo? of a pokemon?

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO please please please dont do that

    not only is it really lame, but do u really want a pokemon on ur back when ur 70 years old? eww

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