
I was thinking about getting a fennec fox as a pet and im not sure if it is legal in Houston Texas?

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I was thinking about getting a fennec fox as a pet and im not sure if it is legal in Houston Texas?




  1. You may need a permit. Check with the city or county first before you have the animal seized and maybe have to pay a fine.

    As one who has worked in wildlife rescue for years, I can tell you foxes make lousy pets. They are solitary, not social animals. The Fennec is also a nocturnal animal which will sleep all day, just like flying squirrels.

  2. Check with your local authorities about the permits, licenses, training, enclosures, and any local exotic animal vets there might be near you. Don't scoff at the vet, either - at some point in the animal's life, you will need a vet, and a regular vet will not be able to treat your animal. Please research everything you'll need to set up a suitable habitat for this animal before you think about getting it. Wild animals can never be pets - they will always be dangerous and unhappy in a human setting.

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