
I was thinking about joining the marines or the navy can some1 in these branches help me out?

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Like is it good or bad y i should n y i shouldn't stuff like that n which 1 is better




  1. Joining is a matter of preference. I am in the Navy. They have realllly good benefits and jobs that you can do in there. I dont know a whole lot about the marines. Navy helps you out before basic to get you prepared enough so it doesnt hit you at once. If you join the Navy there is a good chance you will be on a ship. You arent on a sub unless you requests it. You can be stationed on land. One thing about the Navy is they dont have a signing bonus to get people to join. Depending on the job you have and when you sign up for that job you may get a bonus. If you go for any special ops like SWCC, SEAL, EOD, Navy Diver, etc. then you will get a $40K bonus. Marines arent better than Navy and Navy isnt better than Marines. It is a matter of what you want to go in for. I would say that joining either would be good for you. Also navy has a program that will pay for your college if you wanna go before basic(if so then you will get E-3 when you enter basic). Good Luck

  2. well, i is up to you. I wanna join the air force. Both of these are in the military, so it might be dangerous...

  3. Be a sailor.  those Navy uniforms are HOT

  4. Has nothing 2 do with good or bad. its about what you want & what fits you better. They both have there pros & cons. Marine Corps boot camp is tougher, but you have more respect 4 urself & others will 2.I personally wouldnt want 2 be stuck on some ship out & sea 4 atleast 6month deployments, But thats me ( x- Marine) talk 2 enlisted from both sides, find what you want or like

  5. Amanda C. has good taste. NAVY strong kicks ***

  6. Well my father was in the Navy for 21 years my brother is in the airforce and my brother in law is in the marines and they are constantly "joke fighting" over which branch is better. Airforce has college credits that transfer over in civilian life if you are interested in higher education. Right now the Navy isnt so much combat involved as the marines are youll most likely be stationed at sea (think submarine or ship) My brother in law is infantry is out in Iraq and was fully trained for combat. It all depends on what you are looking for

  7. Dont be any! You'll end up dead.

  8. both good choices better than army or Air force I was a submariner and spent 3 months relaxing 2 weeks bustin **** and 11 weeks under water out of every 6 months the marines I saw spent a lot of time standing guard and taking PT

    oh ya other than Navy seals the marines could kick our butts

    ooh rah!

  9. 1st ask yourself......Are you ready to embark on a 4 year journey that is going to change you mentally and physically in more ways than you can imagine ( for the better )  as far as which is Better.. Both are equal The difference is Mission. Either way give it all youve got. i spent 4 years in the marines and loved every second of it, but i have 2 bad knees now and had to get out.... it is a great idea though, you will grow up and mature faster than others your age

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