
I was thinking of raising goats....but?

by  |  earlier

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i didnt want to have a whole big goat farm, maybe 4 or 5 goats. . . i did yes want to raise them for meat more then for milk *i really dont fell like milking a goat before work*

anyway does anyone know what is a good type of goat to get (there's tons of different types and i just wanted to know where to start looking)

and how much land do they need? (we have 47 acres, but i'd need to get goat fencing and such so i'd need to know how much to get)

any other helpful tips about goats in general would be nice too.





  1. I used to raise Boer cross goats.  They have the best meat for the size of goat and are popular meat goats in the ethnic markets.  Just beware about how much it costs for you to feed and raise them.  You may not be able to recover your costs when you go to sell one due to the increase in feed costs.

  2. THis link has some cool info/tips

    I have 12 ewe sheep and on 10 acres, I could have more but also I have horses

    FOR SURE - get a guard animal, a donkey, llama or dog...

    and fencing is a MUST

    they brouse - so will eat trees and shrubs FIRST, grass second.  they should have oats/grain in winter when pregnant!

    I would say 4 goats per acre is fine..

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