
I was thinking of taking Muay Thai.?

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I was looking at joining a Gym and while they were giving me a tour I noticed they had a boxing ring and it got me thinking. I researched and Muay Thai seemed to be a good mix of Cardio and fight training that would be good for me.

I have a bad lower back which I want to strengthen...I think that maybe all the "Core Muscle" training they do can help strengthen my lower back and abs. My back isn't horrible...just weak.

My GF doesn't think I will like it cause it seems tough and I am a little guy who doesn't take much of a beating but it sounds like there is a lot of discipline and fun that I might be able to get into.

Is Muay Thai something, that a little guy like me who doesn't excercise much, too extream for me? The classes seem to start off slow...with Intro to Muay Thai...and then Stage 1 beginner sessions.

Thanks in advance.




  1. The biggest Muay Thai fighter produced by Thailand is, I believe, 175 lbs.  I could be wrong but they do not get much bigger than that ceiling.  Most guys in Thailand average around 5'6 or 7, and weigh around 120 lbs and that doesn't stop them.  It shouldn't stop you.

    Besides, no one serious about martial arts will pick on a little guy, unless they know said little guy can handle himself.  Its a modern code of honor thing; you don't beat on someone weaker, or someone who can't handle himself.  If they hold that belief, then go for it but, be prepared for a war in the sparring ring once they feel you can handle yourself.

    Does size matter?  If you are going to fight The Big Show or Bob Sapp then yeah, it does.  When size differences are ridiculous, hovering at around 150 lbs or more of muscle mass then yeah, size does matter, and a trained pro wrestler using their moves full power, NOT holding back, could potentially do a lot of damage.  In most MMA - Pro wrestling encounters, the MMA fighters often end up submitting them, but if you have ever seen any of those enconters you see that the pro wrestlers are never too agressive and they always hold back their great strength.  Kasushi Sakuraba is a pro wrestler, and he isn't a very big guy compared to pro wrestlers in America.  He did not hold back against any of the Gracies and look what happened.  Imagine how much more damage someone the size of the Big Show could do, if they did not hold back.

    If you are talking a size and strength difference that great then yeah, size matters.  But that is like comparing a bear and a chimpanzee I mean, come on.  If they are all "honorable warriors" then, you should not have anything to worry about, because no one serious about martial arts will beat on someone weaker, or unknowledgeable.  They will only challenge you to seriously fight if they know you can take it.

    You can't take much of a beating because, don't be misled by boxing fans.  Boxing, be it Muay Thai or western, requires conditioning to absorb impacts, and how strong a boxer's "chin" is, is really dependent on their discipline and dedication because the truth is no one is born with a strong chin.  No one.  How strong a boxer's chin is, all that stuff is impact training.  The longer a boxer does it, the more punishment they can absorb.  Muay Thai is much the same; they will train you to absorb blows.

    If they take it easy on beginers that sounds like a good deal, go for it, of course once you get good at it, be careful with it, Muay Thai is a brutal martial art.  It is not well liked among Kung Fu experts in China, or Karate experts in Japan or Okinawa because they think its "refined street brawling, but not a martial art," often decrying its brutal nature.  I will admit, in many instances the martial art is unecessarily brutal, but it is, nevertheless, effective.

    Ultimately though.... go for it.  A person who goes to a shooting range, that does not mean they will go out on the streets and shoot people.  Same logic applies to martial arts.

    good luck.

  2. Glad ur choosing to try out thai boxing. Yeah, classes start slow cause they have to tell u what ur dealing with and b4 u actually start learning they have to condition u cause muay thai like others say is intense and requires a lot of commitment and dedication to ur training. Muay thai also trains ur back muscles and makes the body more flexible. Dont listen to what other people say even ur girlfriend. Shes not the one choosing to do muay thai u r so its up to u not her and so ur kinda short but size doesnt prove anything. If u have experience and skill then u wont have to worry about ur size. Muay thai disciplines u with intense training but the outcomes r endless. U should take muay thai.

  3. muay thai is crazy tough, expect to take a beating

  4. She shouldn't worry.  You will probably spend several months learning the techniques and doing bag work before you ever face off against a real opponent, and even then you will start out with light contact sparring.  You should try it!

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