
I was thinking of taking this pills but am not sure?

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they sell it on GNC its called

Daily Wellness Company FertilityBlend for Women

has anybody taken this pills if yes should i buy it???




  1. Personally, I would be highly suspicious of anything sold at a "nutrition" store. Ask a doctor or a homeopath for a recommendation for a supplement. My friends who are doctors are fairly unanimous in the assessment that supplements sold through GNC are rip-offs, and some may be harmful.

    As long as you are taking a multi-vitamin, you should be fine. If you have fertility issues, a "one size fits all" supplement from a corporation that is h**l-bent on making money, even if it negatively impacts the health of their clients, is not going to fix things.

    The supplement may not be harmful, but it is most likely a wast of money.

  2. Don't waste your money. Go see your OBGYN. Start taking prenatal vitamins

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