
I was thinking that president Bush had and have the country's interest when he order war?

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Was that necessary for American safety. Do you think we are not safer than before the war?




  1. Your "question" is poorly put. I don't think you were thinking.

  2. it was not neccary for our home land safety it was jus so we could get at the oil and have a military base out there. in the word of kat williams theres no such thing as insurgents<them insurgents done come in our house and ate out cereal>/(jus a lil extra were probablly going to end up going to war with iran)

  3. maybe some of it was for our safety, but the main reason was because iraq has tons of oil...

  4. yes...that question has never been in our minds (military here) if he wanted to do a good thing...

    the problem is that he did it (under rummy twisted direction) the wrong way... not enough troops FROM the beginning....

    they violated the "40 to 1" occupation formula ...and that is why iraq became a mess, after the suscessful initial invasion done in 3 weeks!

    removing a tyrant like Saddam is in principle a good thing...but if you are going to do it you need to go all out on him, with all the forces you Collin Powell military doctrine don't hold back!

  5. The war in Afghanistan, yes.

    The war in Iraq was totally misconceived, at the very least we should have left them to fight their own civil war, which took place after the baath party was removed and saddam was executed.

    We have consumed resources we now need in an misconceived engagement.

  6. We are safer and so is the middle east . This is a war that was going to come about eventually and could have been prevented if the Clinton administration had took some action ! And Bush might have declared war but the congress (which represents the people) had to and did approve it .

  7. at the time when we went into Afghanistan - it was for the purpose of going after Osama Bin laden and over throwing a regime which stood behind him and offered him sanctuary.

    Going into Iraq was a preemptive strike- so as Iraq could not one day help a terrorist organization or just themselves attack us, this was due to both the leader saddam hussein and also materials which Iraq was collecting - to be used for nuclear development. (both the aluminum tubes and 500 tons of yellow cake uranium)

    we have conducted other smaller actions throughout the world also but none to the scale of the two above.

    as to say we are safer... that is difficult to determine since we have not had complete victory over those who want to destroy us.

  8. Well, we haven't any terrorists attacks since 9/11, Al Queda is on the run and all the terrorists in the world are blowing themselves up in the Middle East instead of our MidWest. Not terrible if you ask me.

  9. okay if i offend i am sorry but the world was better off with out him, he got us into this mess with gas, and everything going up and he only set us to go to war is because he "wanted to get invloved and help and clean up the mess that he made" bulls***. he caused the war because over dumb things i cant wait untill someone throws him out of office

  10. The war in Iraq was an unmitigated disaster. It was unnecessary and idiotic. It sapped the US military for very little benefit. It ensures that america can likely not respond to any threat effectively for the next decade or so. It has cost a great deal of money which is affecting the worldwide value of the dollar.

    In summary, I do not feel safer.

  11. Some communities begin by killing farm animals at home and get used to and kill for target practice. They have no human understanding

    and George Bush was right to do what he did, Lack of self promotion has put him where he is,  no pr.It was needed for security.

  12. The war had nothing to do with safety.

    The war was about protecting American interests in the region.

    Was it worth it?.. probably not.

  13. He is a man with a good heart, like his father. He has humility that is clear. By now he knows he got some very bad information and advice. He took the advice and moved on it. He believed.

    Be very aware just how critical it is who are the advisors to every politicians. Most are totally dependent on the advice. I think of the passe computer buzz term "garbage in, garbage out," gigo.

  14. I do feel grateful we are fighting a civil war over there so we don't have to have one here.  Isn't that why we invaded and occupied Iraq?  

  15. He lied.  Sad. It has been said we are less safe.  We aredefinitelyy broke.    

  16. sadly we are safer in the US now that terrorists have our troops over there to mess with.

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