
I was thinking to breed a raccoon for my pet,is it safe?

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i have experience in taking care and loving of cats and kittens and some birds and rabbits. But when i look at raccoon's in the Animal Planet channel i was so amazed by their cuteness and behavior.

Is it safe and easy to take care of raccoons? are they vicious,dangerous or wild as other deadly animals? I really want one!!




  1. Raccoons are wild animals.  It's not a good idea to try to make a pet of one.  You could get bitten or scratched and catch something that would be hard to get rid of.  

    You also might need a state license to keep it.  

  2. in some places it will be illegal for you to have a raccoon as a pet, especially wild caught youngsters. in other places you may have to have a licence in order to keep one.

    a raccoon could never be tamed like the domestic cat, it's a wild animal with wild instincts, even imprinted babies will still hear the call of the wild once they're mature and a bite from a raccoon will definitely hurt.

    i wouldn't recommend keeping a raccoon unless you're experienced in keeping wild animals and have the licences to do so.  

  3. well i doubt they're deadly but i'm sure they have one h**l of a bite, after all they are wild creatures. and where would you get one? you cannot go out and get one from outside, you have no idea what sort of diseases it would carry.  

  4. Short story: My Aunt & Uncle found some baby racoons living in their business attic, the Mom racoon had been hit by a car. They cared for these baby racoons, treated them very well though they did not take them into their house per se. They continued to let the babies be as "wild" as they could. When they became old enough, they were partially wild though partially tame with people. Those, now adult, racoons would come back nearly everynight to visit with my Aunt & Uncle. They would play with them, loving to be touched and held by their one time, adopted parents. It was the cutest, mutual love I had ever seen in person involving wild animals!

  5. No its not safe

    There was a boy who was playing soccer with his friends and the ball rolled near raccoon p**p, a few days later he got sick, and his mother took him to the doctor and it took them almost a month to find out what it was and somehow the raccoon p**p got into the boy body and a small worm crawled to his brain and now he's mentally challenged for life.    

  6. All of these people seem pissed just because you asked a question and they're not even answering it. Yes, it is safe to have a raccoon but only if you raise it from a kitten. Whoever said they couldn't be tamed was absolutely wrong and probably has no experience with the animal at all. Do think the ones in movies are wild? No, that was stupid. I have and know people that have walked them with leashes and collars just like a dog. I wouldn't go as far as to call a raccoon deadly either. Other than rabies and that's not the raccoon, it's a virus. Rabies isn't as common in them as you think either. You see rabies cases on the news but just think of how many don't have it. These answers are all misinformed...It's funny really. They're no harder to raise than a cat....Also, If you know anyone who cuts trees just ask them to get you a kitten coon. They cut trees down all the time with coon dens in them. Also, in reply to the last post, I ave kept raccoons for over two years at the time. I also have a friend who has one inside a large cage outside with logs and stuff as the last person said. He still has it and lets it come inside and out in the yard. when he calls it, it comes back............Raccoons are definately not endangered. Actually, close to overpopulation. People just don't see them because they are nocturnal.

  7. um, by your action, i'd say, you have the attitude of a real animal lover....

    it's ok to have a raccoon when it's tamed and very nice....

    but i discovered that raccoons are endangered animals... but you can get a raccoon in an animal shelter.... and you can help in preventing the raccoons to be safe from extinction if you want to breed them....

    i'm just 11 but i love animals like you..... i had 10 cats and 15 kittens a few years ago but they died... so now, i don't have any pet....

    i want to be a pokemon trainer if there's real pokemon.... hehe!!!

    i hope that helps....

  8. it is illegal for you to capture wildlife and turn it into a household pet.  raccoons carry rabies.  still a good idea?

  9. An adult coon can rip you up.  Besides it is illegal to own one in the states without a special permit.

  10. Raccoons are not pets...they are cute and sweet when small and young, but as they sexually mature...especially males, watch out!! Plus they're messy and mischievous, if you let them range free in your home, they will destroy many things, as well as use any place as a bathroom!! They are wild wild animals, cannot be litter trained, and eventually will get a little crazy from being kept in captivity.....they will bite and it is not a pretty sight. I know first hand: my then boyfriend saved a little baby raccoon from the side of the road...his siblings had been hit and killed....of course we took him in and bottle fed him in the beginning and also had to stimulate his urination and defecation as the mom raccoon does...Lots of work!! He survived and grew and as a toddler raccoon was very cute and sweet....he was very much attached to my boyfriend, going with him everywhere, he began eating on his own and had a medium size cage to be in (In the house) We would let him out most of the time, but as he got older he got into everything and tore apart much of it....he was always searching for food and getting into the cabinets, etc....pooping and peeing at will...whereever....It soon became such a problem that we had to cage him all the time and he then got nasty...biting and clawing to get out....he was only about 6 months old when we had to give up and take him to a raccoon rescuer who rehabbed him and eventually let him go back to the woods....I know you think its a good thing, but raccoons are not good pets and if someone says they have one thats an adult and is wonderful, then that is the exception; it is also probably housed in a large outdoor cage, with bushes and climbing logs, etc....Please reconsider....PS. We also rescued a pidgeon as a baby.....took care of it with pretty much the same results....A wild creature should stay matter what.

  11. its illegal in the us to do this and raccoons are NOT good pets they are biting animals and are nocternal so they will not really be thaat active

  12. Raccoons, as cute as they are, can definitely be very dangerous.  You could train a raccoon but you could never tame one.  Be fair to the both of you and leave their raising to mother nature.

  13. breed one for me too!

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