
I was to be getting married on Friday the 22nd of August ?

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After 6 yrs we got engaged on the new yr and everything seemed great then 3 months before the big day he started acting weird. Looked through the cell and he was texting girls he worked with. Yr ago we took a break when he was away on military leave but when he got home he hooked up with a girl from work. I knew about it and let it go..I had dating myself. So even?? Things worked out and we started dating again. Yr later asked me 2 marry him. He was my high school sweetheart and I loved him very much so I said yes! Things with his family got really bad. Parents got divorced after 25yrs, dad lost house. and so on! My step dad never liked the fiance and didnt appove of the wedding. My mother loved the idea of us finally getting married after so long and also living together already. One day my fiance told me that we were having a party & he didnt know how many ppl were coming. I told him that I had to leave for work the next day at 6 am for a 3 day shift. He got smashed that night and invited his ex and some new girl he had been talking 2.( i didnt know at the time) I stayed up all night taking care of all his friends. I got half an hour of sleep and woke up to find the girl that he had slept with a yr ago on one side of the couch and the other new girl on the other side of the couch! I took off that morning and didnt hear from him all day. I got a message from my roommate saying that the "new" girl was still over there at 4 in th afternoon. I got home 3 days later to find her bag in my living room. He told me that she was moving to her new aapartment the next day and didnt have anywhere to stay so he let her stay with US!! after all the texting with the girls and lying to me I woke up and looked at him & told him I wanted to hold off and the wedding and he acted numb to the whole thing. Really shocked me. Moved home and our apartment isnt up until next month. So after phones being shut off on me and taking MY credit cards, I had it! I told him the whole thing was off. I have been trying to keep my distance. Give him the ring back and key to our apartment. I havent really had to much contact with him. So Friday is the day it was going to take place and I dont know what I should do. I dont know if I should just be alone or maybe go to dinner with him one last time.....What do you think. All our friends say that he isnt himself anymore




  1. Dinner with him one last time?? No way sweetie he doesn't deserve any more of your time. Go out with the girls and celebrate moving on to a bigger and better future !!! I'm sorry things turned out the way they did.

  2. Have you read that book, "He's just really not that into you"?  You should.  You deserve waaaaaayyyy better.  

  3. This guy has proved to you time and time again over yearssss period he cannot be trusted w/your heart.  You need to let that one go.  Imagine 10 yrs after the marriage and a couple of kids and going through this pain.  Take my word for it there is another one out there for you that's even better.  Just be careful w/your selection.  Go out w/friends and have a GREAT time and forget about him.

  4. sooo.. why are you even considering marry this guy? He isn't a real man. You deserve better.

  5. Don't go to dinner with him! It sounds like a good thing that you got out when you did! Instead, spend Friday night with some of your girlfriends! Go out and have fun! Whatever you do... don't go back to him because it's "comfortable". You deserve better!!!

    I know it's hard... and it's so easy to just give in and give it another shot, but if you resist now, you'll be so thankful later when you meet the real "Mr.Right"!!!  

  6.'re good and bad for putting up with any of that.  I think you should continue to distance yourself.  Obviously, you're the only one who cares about him, and you need to care about yourself now.  ENJOY YOURSELF!  He's definitely enjoyed his time not being with you, and you would not do yourself justice by letting him see that you STILL care about him so much, that he can hurt you and you'd still come to his side.  This isn't a mean answer, just a honest one.  Someone cares, but it isn't him.  Don't give him any more time.  People do things he did to get rid of people, instead of just saying "Hey, I don't like you"...

    Run.  Enjoy yourself.  You made it this far!

  7. DO NOT....I REPEAT....DO NOT....get in touch with him!  

    If you have any money, I would definitely splurge on YOURSELF!  If you are off, go and get a massage, a manicure...a facial....anything!!  Then, ask a friend to go out to eat or out to eat and a movie.  Anything!  But do not get back in touch with him.

    He has used you, cheated on you, used your credit cards, etc., etc.  Please know that you DESERVE better than that.

    Remember....once a liar and cheater...always a liar and cheater.  He will NOT change.  Be done with him and move on.  Sounds like he is using your friends to try to get you to crawl back.  So what if he is "not himself?"  Why should you care?  He did it to himself so don't worry about it.

  8. Sounds like he's an idiot. Think of what it would be like when he's your HUSBAND. It'll be h**l.

  9. Going to dinner with him would be the last thing i would suggest. He is an evil pig that cheated on you not once but twice in your house!!! Forget him and pamper yourself for the day then have a night out with the girls.  

  10. I am so sorry to hear about what happened with your fiance. I am sure that Friday will be a hard day for you, but you need to figure out how you would cope best with it. For some people they prefer to be alone and they deal with things better that way; others need to be around people and like to be distracted.

    I know that it's hard - but you just have to keep telling yourself that you did the right thing. You went with your gut instinct. Good for you! Some people would have just went through with the wedding, even though they know something is wrong. It happens a lot more than you think.

  11. I don't think you should wallow in self-pity alone, but you definitely shouldn't be wasting any more of your time with him.

    Make arrangements to go out with some of your friends - have a slumber party with your girlfriends and stay up all night with ice cream, popcorn, drinks, and some good movies and talk - just not about him.  Take care of yourself for a change.

  12. Why would you want to memorialize a date that has no real meaning?

    Do nothing.  The wedding is off and the date no longer has meaning.

    Go for a a cheeseburger with a girlfriend or volunteer at a soup kitchen.  

  13. Time to have a "move on party". After all you have been through you deserve some "ME" time. Buy your favorite food, wear your favorite clothes, watch your favorite movie, do your favorite things. Or even invite some friends to do them with you.Remember who you are, and what makes you truly happy (aside from the way he use to make you feel) and  believe that there is someone out there you will one day be able to share all of these favorite things with and just because they are your favorite things they will be something he enjoys too. Don't even bother with calling him. He is not worth your time. If he calls you, at the very least you know he is finally realizing he messed up. But too little too late.

    Hope you have a great "Moving on party" :)

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